The Docker backup image creates a backup to a webdev location. It is possible to send an email afterward. (Work in progress) The Backups are stored encrypted, so we don't need to worry about sensitive data in the backup.
To run the container: see an example for the run command in fleet-unit-files/[email protected]
Docker environment variables:
- GPG_PUBLIC_KEY: The filelocation for the GPG_PUBLIC KEY, Note that this key has to be for the
user - BACKUP_DIRS: The directories to backup to the given archive name, seperated by space (ex. "/data/dir1:archive1 /data/dir2:archive2)
- BACKUP_MYSQL: The Databases that have to be backuped, seperated by space (ex. HOST:DATABASE:USER:PASSWORD:ARCHIVE HOST2:DATABASE2:USER2:PASSWORD2:ARCHIVE)
- WEBDAV_HOST: The host where to store the backup. This will be mounted as /mnt/backup
- WEBDAV_USER: The webdav user to login to storage
- WEBDAV_PASSWORD: The webdav password to login to storage
- SMTP_HUB: The SMTP hub to use. ex. (optional)
- SMTP_USER: The SMTP user to login (optional)
- SMTP_PASS: The SMTP password to login (optional)
- SMTP_DOMAIN: The SMTP domain, from where the email is send (optional)
- SMTP_HOSTNAME: The Hostname of the container, used for mail validation (optional)
As said, the backups are stored encrypted. We use gpg to encrypt the files. This can be done, only by providing a public RSA key
Use this command to create a gpg keypair. NB This should be done outside the container!!!
gpg --gen-key
choose (1) RSA and RSA (default)
choose keysize 4096
choose 0 = key does not expire
Real name: backup
You can keep email and comment empty
gpg --armor --export-secret-keys backup
gpg --armor --export backup
gpg --import /certs/public.gpg-key
tar -zc /var/log | gpg --armor --trust-model always -e -r backup -o /certs/backup.tar.gz.gpg
gpg -d -r backup backup.tar.gz.gpg | tar -zxvf -