NOTE: Since relative links to other .md files do not work on PyPI, please go to the cjnfuncs GitHub repo to read the documentation.
module | Description/Purpose |
core | Set up the base environment |
configman | Feature-rich configuration file toolset |
timevalue | Handle time values with units, such as '5m' (5 minutes) |
mungePath | Ease-of-use pathlib extension for constructing and manipulating file paths |
deployfiles | Push bundled setup files within a package to the proper user/system locations |
resourcelock | Inter-process resource lock mechanism |
SMTP | Send notification and email messages |
Developed and tested on Python 3.6.8, and supported on all higher Python versions. Developed on Linux. Not supported on Windows (posix-ipc module dependency).
In this documentation, "tool script" refers to a Python project that imports and uses cjnfuncs. Some may be simple scripts, and others may themselves be installed packages.
pip install cjnfuncs
A package template using cjnfuncs is available at, which is the basis of PyPI posted tools such as:
Project repo:
- 2.5 250206 - Added multi-line and quoted string support to configman
- 2.4.1 241118 - resource_lock only init lock_info if not existing
- 2.4 241105 - Twilio support in snd_notif, resource_lock trace/debug features, check_path_exists exception fix
- 2.3 240821 - Added mungePath ./ support.
Resolved check_path_exists() memory leak.
to resourcelock.getlock() Added prereload_callback to config_item.loadconfig() - 2.2 240119 - Added SMTP DKIM support. Set SMTP server connect timeout to EmailRetryWait.
- 2.1 240104 - Partitioned to separate modules. Added modify_configfile. Added native support for float, list, tuple, and dict in loadconfig(). Added getcfg() type checking. Documentation touch for logging formats in config file. Improved snd_notif failure logging. Added email/notif send retries. Added resourcelock module.
- 2.0.1 230222 - deploy_files() fix for files from package
- 2.0 230208 - Refactored and converted to installed package. Renamed funcs3 to cjnfuncs.
- ...
- 0.1 180524 - New. First github posting