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[Archive] Workgroup: PWD
[Archive] Workgroup: PWD
Legacy Public Works Department
Archived Product
Archived Product
Replace the "Product Index" label with this label when a product is retired
Archived Project
Archived Project
Projects with this label will be hidden from the website's "Completed" project listing
Featured Project
Featured Project
Projects with this label will be showcased on our website's home page
Impact: 1-Severe
Impact: 1-Severe
Severely impacts TPW service delivery
Impact: 2-Major
Impact: 2-Major
Causes a major interruption of TPW service delivery
Impact: 3-Minor
Impact: 3-Minor
Deteriorates TPW service delivery
Impact: 4-None
Impact: 4-None
Does not affect TPW service delivery
Need: 1-Must Have
Need: 1-Must Have
No point in delivering a solution without this
Need: 2-Should Have
Need: 2-Should Have
May be painful to leave out, but the solution is still viable
Need: 3-Could Have
Need: 3-Could Have
Wanted, but affects fewer users or has less impact on business than other features
Need: 4-Won't Have
Need: 4-Won't Have
Will not be delivered at this time
Product: AMANDA Portal
Product: AMANDA Portal
Austin Build + Connect, customer facing AMANDA platform that offers our customers online services
Product: AMANDA
Product: AMANDA
AMANDA Case & Permit Management Enterprise System
Product: AMD Data Tracker
Product: AMD Data Tracker
Platform to manage Arterial Management Division's data and operations
Product: ATD Forms
Product: ATD Forms
A collection of simple digital forms to support Austin Transportation operations
Product: ATD Knack Services
Product: ATD Knack Services
Code that keeps our Knack app data in sync with the Open Data Portal and ArcGIS Online
Product: Autonomous Vehicles GIS Support
Product: Autonomous Vehicles GIS Support
[Product] 💡 OPTIONAL
[Product] :bulb: OPTIONAL
Include if the request involves a specific application, dashboard, or map
Product: CCTV Image Service
Product: CCTV Image Service
A service that provides live images from Austin Transportation's traffic cameras.
Product: CTN
Product: CTN
GIS dataset encompassing all information about all modes of transportation
Product: Dash
Product: Dash
Dashboard to visualize and explore Austin Transportation's performance
Product: Data & Performance Hub
Product: Data & Performance Hub
Product: Data & Technology Services Portal
Product: Data & Technology Services Portal
Application that houses ATD datasets, applications inventory, service requests, equipment tracking
Product: Dockless Dataviz
Product: Dockless Dataviz
Product: DTS Service Delivery
Product: DTS Service Delivery
DTS processes we use to intake, manage, and deliver services.
Product: DTS Website
Product: DTS Website
The home for all things Data & Technology Services