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Philip Perricone edited this page Dec 18, 2017 · 3 revisions

To understand how joy is configured, read the configuration file "options.cfg". To process a pcap file in offline mode, run:

[joy]$ bin/joy [ OPTIONS ] filename [ filename2 ... ]

For instance,

[joy]$ bin/joy bidir=1 output=data.json filename

To run the packet capture in online mode, use the same command form, but have OPTIONS include an interface= command, and omit the filename(s) from the command line. For instance,

[joy]$ sudo bin/joy interface=eth0 bidir=1 output=data.json

There are many command line options. Instead of typing them all onto the command line, you may want to have the program read a configuration file. Such a file comes with the distribution, install/options.cfg. If you want to change the program defaults (and you probably do, in order to capture exactly the data of interest to you), then make a copy of the configuration file. By making a local copy that has a different name, your configuration will not be clobbered if you update the joy package.

You can view run-time options at the command line using the man page that is built and installed automatically as part of the package. See the file doc/joy.1, or after installation, access the man page through man joy.

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