A lein plugin to run binaries contained a jar.
This can be used for e.g. complicated system startup procedures, or daemonizing. Think of it as similar to lein-init-script, but without the installation process, or lein-daemon but less opinionated (and more reliable!).
:plugins [[circleci/lein-jarbin "0.1.0"]]
$ lein jarbin [foo/bar "1.2.3"] bbq.sh
$ lein jarbin ./foo-bar-1.2.3.jar bbq.sh
Will run the script in resources/bin/bbq.sh, or in the jar.
In the first usage, jarbin will download the jar if necessary. The jar should be resolvable from standard jar locations, or add a repo to your ~/.lein/profiles.clj
The second usage takes a path to a local jar on the filesystem. The third usage is for running from the source tree.
Extra args can be included on the command line:
$ lein jarbin [foo/bar "1.2.3"] bbq foo 2 3
Environment variables can be specified in the project.clj:
:jarbin {:bin-dir "bin" ;; relative to resources. optional, defaults to "bin",
:scripts {"bbq.sh" {:env {:foo "bar"
:name :lein/name
:version :lein/version
:JVM_OPTS :lein/jvm-opts}}}
Environment variables with the 'lein' namespace, like :lein/name will take their values from the same key in the project.clj
There are a few more 'special' env vars:
- :jarbin/coord, the coordinate passed to jarbin, i.e. "[foo/bar 1.2.3]"
- :jarbin/jar-path, the path to the resolved jar
Jarbin creates a temp directory, containing your project.clj and the script. Due to races, and jarbin not knowing when you're 'done' with the code, it never cleans up the temp directory.
lein-jartask. Very similar, but runs lein tasks, rather than scripts
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