Deoplete source completion engine for perl includes Mo* / DBIx::Class completion.
Based off of
core rules including:
- variable name completion
- function name completion
- package method name completion
- base class method name completion
- basic Moo completion
- basic DBIx completion
perlomni completion requires neovim
NeoBundle NeoBundle 'cazador481/perlomni.vim', 'python'
Please feel free to ask commit bit of this. just drop me a line. :-)
- cazador481 (Edward Ash) [email protected]
- Cornelius (林佑安) [email protected]
- Mattn (Yasuhiro Matsumoto) [email protected]
extends 'Moose::Meta::Attribute';
extends 'AAC::Pvoice';
" module compeltion
my $obj = new B::C;
" complete class methods
" complete built-in function
seekdir see
" $self completion
" my $self
" to
" my $self = shift;
my $self
" complete current object methods
sub testtest { }
sub foo1 { }
sub foo2 { }
" smart object method completion
my $var = new Jifty;
" smart object method completion 2
my $var = Jifty::DBI->new;
my %hash = ( );
my @array = ( );
" complete variable
$var1 $var2 $var3 $var_test $var__adfasdf
$var__adfasd $var1
" moose complete
has url => (
metaclass => 'Labeled',
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
label => "The site's URL",
" role
with 'Restartable' => {
-alias => {
stop => '_stop',
start => '_start'
-excludes => [ 'stop', 'start' ],
" }}}
g:perlomni_export_functions = enables export functions