Design your own email templates directly from the Strapi CMS admin panel and use the magic to send programmatically email from your controllers / services.
Visual composer provided by Unlayer
Install Strapi with this Quickstart command to create a Strapi project instantly:
- (Use yarn to install the Strapi project (recommended). Install yarn with these docs.)
# with yarn
yarn create strapi-app my-project --quickstart
# with npm/npx
npx create-strapi-app my-project --quickstart
This command generates a brand new project with the default features (authentication, permissions, content management, content type builder & file upload). The Quickstart command installs Strapi using a SQLite database which is used for prototyping in development.
Configure the
Strapi email
plugin ( official documentation ) -
Add the
yarn add strapi-plugin-email-designer@latest
# or
npm i -S strapi-plugin-email-designer@latest
- you may need also to add to the unlayer domain to the Content Security Policy. Update the config file
// ...
- "strapi::security",
+ {
+ name: "strapi::security",
+ config: {
+ contentSecurityPolicy: {
+ directives: {
+ "script-src": [
+ "'self'",
+ "'unsafe-inline'",
+ ""
+ ],
+ "frame-src": [
+ "'self'",
+ "'unsafe-
+ inline'",
+ ""
+ ],
+ "img-src": [
+ "'self'",
+ "data:",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ `${env("AWS_BUCKET")}.s3.${env("AWS_REGION")}`
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
// ...
- After successful installation you've to build a fresh package that includes plugin UI. To archive that simply use:
yarn build && yarn develop
# or
npm run build && npm run develop
- or just run Strapi in the development mode with
yarn develop --watch-admin
npm run develop --watch-admin
The Email Designer plugin should appear in the Plugins section of Strapi sidebar after you run app again.
- Design your template with easy on the visual composer. For variables use lodash templating language with the double curly braces tags (
). You can leave the text version blank to automatically generate a text version of your email from the HTML version.
Tips: in the template's body is possible to iterate array like this:
{{ _.forEach(order.products, function(product) { }}
<li>{{- }}</li>
<li>{{- product.price }}</li>
{{ }); }}
- Send email programmatically:
// ...
try {
await strapi.plugins['email-designer']
to: '[email protected]', // required
from: '[email protected]', // optional if /config/plugins.js -> email.settings.defaultFrom is set
replyTo: '[email protected]', // optional if /config/plugins.js -> email.settings.defaultReplyTo is set
attachments: [], // optional array of files
templateId: 1, // required - you can get the template id from the admin panel (can change on import)
templateReferenceId: 55, // ID that can be defined in the template designer (won't change on import)
subject: `Thank you for your order`, // If provided here will override the template's subject. Can include variables like `Thank you for your order {{= user.firstName }}!`
// this object must include all variables you're using in your email template
firstname: 'John',
lastname: 'Doe',
order: {
products: [
{ name: 'Article 1', price: 9.99 },
{ name: 'Article 2', price: 5.55 },
shippingCost: 5,
total: 20.54,
} catch (err) {
strapi.log.debug('πΊ: ', err);
return ctx.badRequest(null, err);
// ...
Enjoy π
Complete installation requirements are exact same as for Strapi itself and can be found in the documentation under Installation Requirements.
Supported Strapi versions:
- Strapi v3.5.x
(This plugin may work with the older Strapi versions, but these are not tested nor officially supported at this time.)
Node / NPM versions:
- NodeJS >= 12.10 <= 14
- NPM >= 6.x
We recommend always using the latest version of Strapi to start your new projects.
You can pass configuration options directly to the editor that is used by this plugin. To do so, in your config/plugins.js
file of your project, configure the plugin like this example:
module.exports = () => ({
'email-designer': {
editor: {
tools: {
heading: {
properties: {
text: {
value: 'This is the new default text!'
options: {
features: {
colorPicker: {
presets: ['#D9E3F0', '#F47373', '#697689', '#37D67A']
fonts: {
showDefaultFonts: false,
customFonts: [
label: "Anton",
value: "'Anton', sans-serif",
url: "",
label: "Lato",
value: "'Lato', Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif",
url: "",
// ...
mergeTags: [
name: 'Email',
value: '{{= USER.username }}',
sample: '[email protected]',
// ...
appearance: {
theme: "dark",
panels: {
tools: {
dock: 'left'
See Unlayer's documentation for more options.
Create the cypress.env.json
file to the root and add your variables following this schema:
"adminUrl": "http://localhost:1337/admin/auth/login",
"user": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "P1pp0#2021"
Now let's install and open Cypress
# with yarn
yarn cypress:install
yarn cypress:open
# with npm
npm run cypress:install
npm run cypress:open
- Template composer helper
- Import design feature
- Override Strapi's core email system feature
- Preview email with real data feature
- Tags feature
- Custom components extension
- Complete UI tests
- i18n translations (help wanted!)
Feel free to fork and make a Pull Request to this plugin project. All the input is warmly welcome!
Give a star if this project helped you.
- For general help using Strapi, please refer to the official Strapi documentation.
- Strapi Slack channel
- You can DM me on Twitter
MIT License Copyright (c) 2020 Alex Zaganelli & Strapi Solutions.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
If you like this plugin I'm very happy, so we can drink a beer π». Alla salute!