Takes an string and outputs an array of bible chapters, verses for easy searching.
Perform a regular search:
$results = sortBibleSearch("Matthew 1:1");
// array (
// 'BookNumber' => false,
// 'Book' => 'Matthew',
// 'Chapter' => '1',
// 'StartVerse' => '1',
// 'EndVerse' => false,
// 'QueryType' => 1,
// )
Books with numbers before them:
$results = sortBibleSearch("1 John 4:17");
// array (
// 'BookNumber' => '1',
// 'Book' => '1 John',
// 'Chapter' => '4',
// 'StartVerse' => '17',
// 'EndVerse' => false,
// 'QueryType' => 1,
// )
You can use abbreviations too
$results = sortBibleSearch("Gen 2:5");
// array (
// 'BookNumber' => false,
// 'Book' => 'Genesis',
// 'Chapter' => '2',
// 'StartVerse' => '5',
// 'EndVerse' => false,
// 'QueryType' => 1,
// )
Also handles start verse and end verse.
$results = sortBibleSearch("1 Corinthians 3:4-5");
// array (
// 'BookNumber' => '1',
// 'Book' => '1 Corinthians',
// 'Chapter' => '3',
// 'StartVerse' => '4',
// 'EndVerse' => '5',
// 'QueryType' => 2,
// )
If no book is found, returns false.
$results = sortBibleSearch("1 Corinthians 3:4-5");
// false
Simply include the file sortBibleSearch.php and you're good to go.
$results = sortBibleSearch("gen 2:4");
You can view a working demo at chud37.com/code/sortBibleSearch