This is a workshop for students that want to learn the basics of Arduino. Here is what is covered:
- Arduino Introduction
- Lesson 1a: Blinking an LED
- Lesson 1b: Blinking an LED w/ Serial Monitoring
- Lesson 2a: Blinking an LED via a Button Input
- Lesson 2b: Blinking an LED via a Button Toggle
- Lesson 3: Blink Toggle Debounced
- Lesson 4a: Analog Input with Potentiometer
- Lesson 4b: Analog Input with Potentiometer using map()
- Lesson 5: Potentiometer Controlled LED
- Lesson 6: RGB LED
- Lesson 7a: Night Light v1
- Lesson 7b: Night Light v2
- Lesson 8: Flex Sensors, Thermistors, and Soft Pots
- Lesson 9: Making Music
This workshop was put together by Turner Logic, LLC. The written materials are © Turner Logic, LLC and the source code is released under the MIT license.
Thanks and Enjoy!