#Liten: A deduplication command line tool and library
A deduplication command line tool and library. A relatively efficient algorithm based on searching like sized files, and then performing a full md5 checksum, is used to determine duplicate files/file objects. Files can be deleted upon discovery, and pattern matching can be used to limit search results. Finally, configuration file use is supported, and there is a developing API that lends itself to customization via an ActionsMixin class.
###Example CLI Usage:
#####Search by size using --size or -s option:
liten.py -s 1 /mnt/raid is equal to liten.py -s 1MB /mnt/raid
liten.py -s 1bytes /mnt/raid
liten.py -s 1KB /mnt/raid
liten.py -s 1MB /mnt/raid
liten.py -s 1GB /mnt/raid
liten.py c:\in d:\ is equal to liten.py -s 1MB c:\in d:\
####Report Location:
#####Generate custom report path using -r or --report=/tmp/report.txt::
./liten.py --report=/tmp/test.txt /Users/ngift/Documents
#####By default a report will be created in CWD, called LitenDuplicateReport.csv
####Config File:
#####You can use a config file in the following format::
#####You can call the config file anything and place it anywhere. #####Here is an example usage::
./liten.py --config=myconfig.ini
All stdout can be suppressed by using --quiet or -q.
By using --delete the duplicate files will be automatically deleted. The API has support for an interactive mode and a dry-run mode, they have not been implemented in the CLI as of yet.
#####Example Library/API Usage:
>>> Liten = Liten(spath='testData')
>>> dupeFileOne = 'testData/testDocOne.txt'
>>> checksumOne = Liten.createChecksum(dupeFileOne)
>>> dupeFileTwo = 'testData/testDocTwo.txt'
>>> checksumTwo = Liten.createChecksum(dupeFileTwo)
>>> nonDupeFile = 'testData/testDocThree_wrong_match.txt'
>>> checksumThree = Liten.createChecksum(nonDupeFile)
>>> checksumOne == checksumTwo
>>> checksumOne == checksumThree
There is also the concept of an Action, which can be implemented later, that will allow customizable actions to occur upon an a condition that gets defined as you walk down a tree of files.
- make all
- Run test_create_file.py then delete those test files using liten:: python liten.py --delete /tmp
###Display Options:
#####stdout will show you duplicate file paths and sizes such as::
Printing dups over 1 MB using md5 checksum: [SIZE] [ORIG] [DUP]
7 MB Orig: /Users/ngift/Downloads/bzr-0-2.17.tar
Dupe: /Users/ngift/Downloads/bzr-0-4.17.tar
#####A report named LitenDuplicateReport.csv will be created in your current working directory::
Duplicate Version, Path, Size, ModDate
Original, /Users/ngift/Downloads/bzr-0-2.17.tar, 7 MB, 07/10/2007 01:43:12 AM
Duplicate, /Users/ngift/Downloads/bzr-0-3.17.tar, 7 MB, 07/10/2007 01:43:27 AM
####Debug Mode Environmental Variables:
- To enable print statement debugging set LITEN_DEBUG to 1
- To enable pdb break point debugging set LITEN_DEBUG to 2
- LITEN_DEBUG_MODE = int(os.environ.get('LITEN_DEBUG', 0))
- Note: When DEBUG MODE is enabled, a message will appear to standard out