Oberheim OB-8, and new functions for default names
This release introduces mostly one new synth, the Oberheim OB-8, as an adaptation.
Furthermore, there are two new functions which adpatations can implement:
- isDefaultName(patchName) can be implement to check if a name is a default name, and should be downprioritized should the same patch be encountered again with a different name. This is to fix #43, and allow better name logic when duplicates of patches are imported with default names.
- friendlyProgramName(number) can be implemented to match the program number in its display to the display on the synth, e.g. to display the program slots 0..63 in the DW8000 to be displayed as 11...18 21..28 ... 81 ... 88. This is just visual sugar.
The Adaptation Programming Guide was extended with this info.