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New approach for the Yamaha FS1R - forget the Roland module, the addr…
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…ess space works completely differently, more like message type triples. This version does treat performance and voice as two separate data types, and allows to import these from separate banks.
  • Loading branch information
christofmuc committed Feb 5, 2025
1 parent f3085ce commit d6463a9
Showing 1 changed file with 300 additions and 0 deletions.
300 changes: 300 additions & 0 deletions adaptations/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
# Copyright (c) 2021-2025 Christof Ruch. All rights reserved.
# Dual licensed: Distributed under Affero GPL license by default, an MIT license is available for purchase
import itertools
from typing import List

import knobkraft
import testing
from knobkraft import load_midi

SYSTEM_SETTINGS_ADDRESS=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
PERFORMANCE_ADDRESS=[0x11, 0x00] # Internal PERFORMANCE. Hi, med fixed, Lo is the number of the performance (0-127)
VOICE_EDIT_BUFFFER_PART1=[0x40, 0x00, 0x00]
VOICE_EDIT_BUFFFER_PART2=[0x41, 0x00, 0x00]
VOICE_EDIT_BUFFFER_PART3=[0x42, 0x00, 0x00]
VOICE_EDIT_BUFFFER_PART4=[0x43, 0x00, 0x00]
VOICE_ADDRESS=[0x51, 0x00] # Internal VOICE


class DataBlock:
def __init__(self, address, size, name):

fs1r_performance_data = [DataBlock((0x10, 0x00, 0x00), 80, "Performance Common"), # The first 12 bytes are the name
DataBlock((0x10, 0x00, 0x50), 112, "Effect"),
DataBlock((0x30, 0x00, 0x00), 52, "Part 1"),
DataBlock((0x31, 0x00, 0x00), 52, "Part 2"),
DataBlock((0x32, 0x00, 0x00), 52, "Part 3"),
DataBlock((0x33, 0x00, 0x00), 52, "Part 4")]

fs1_all_performance_data = [DataBlock((0x11, 0x00, 0x00), 400, "Performance")]

fs1r_voice_data = [DataBlock((0x40, 0x00, 0x00), 112, "Voice Common")] + \
[DataBlock((0x60, op, 0x00), 35, "Operator 1 Voiced") for op in range(8)] + \
[DataBlock((0x60, op, 0x23), 27, "Operator 1 Non-Voiced") for op in range(8)] + \
[DataBlock((0x61, op, 0x00), 35, "Operator 2 Voiced") for op in range(8)] + \
[DataBlock((0x61, op, 0x23), 27, "Operator 2 Non-Voiced") for op in range(8)] + \
[DataBlock((0x62, op, 0x00), 35, "Operator 3 Voiced") for op in range(8)] + \
[DataBlock((0x62, op, 0x23), 27, "Operator 3 Non-Voiced") for op in range(8)] + \
[DataBlock((0x63, op, 0x00), 35, "Operator 4 Voiced") for op in range(8)] + \
[DataBlock((0x64, op, 0x23), 27, "Operator 4 Non-Voiced") for op in range(8)]

fs1r_fseq_data = [DataBlock((0x70, 0x00, 0x00), 0x00, "Fseq parameter")] # 8 bytes of name at the start, byte count not used in here

fs1r_system_data = [DataBlock((0x00, 0x00, 0x00), 0x4c, "System Parameter")]

def name():
return "Yamaha FS1R"

def createDeviceDetectMessage(device_id):
# Just send a request for the system settings address
return buildRequest(device_id, SYSTEM_SETTINGS_ADDRESS)

def needsChannelSpecificDetection():
return True

def channelIfValidDeviceResponse(message):
if isOwnSysex(message):
if addressFromMessage(message) == SYSTEM_SETTINGS_ADDRESS:
data_block = dataBlockFromMessage(message)
channel = data_block[9] # data_block[9] is the performance channel
if channel == 0x10:
print("Warning: Your FS1R is set to OMNI MIDI channel. Surprises await!")
return 16
DEVICE_ID_DETECTED=message[2] & 0x0f
return channel
return -1

def bankDescriptors():
return [{"bank": 0, "name": "Performances", "size": 128, "type": "Performance", "isROM": False, },
{"bank": 1, "name": "Voices", "size": 128, "type": "Voice", "isROM": False, }]

def nameFromDump(message):
if isSingleProgramDump(message):
if isPerformance(message):
name_len = 12
elif isVoice(message):
name_len = 10
return "invalid"
return "".join([chr(x) for x in dataBlockFromMessage(message)[:name_len]])
return "Invalid"

#def renamePatch(message, new_name):
# messages = knobkraft.splitSysex(message)
# common_voice_data = dataBlockFromMessage(messages[1])[3:]
# used_char = min(10, len(new_name))
# for i in range(used_char):
# common_voice_data[i] = ord(new_name[i])
# for i in range(used_char, 10):
# common_voice_data[i] = ord(" ")
# messages[1] = buildBulkDumpMessage(0, commonVoiceAddress, common_voice_data)
# return [item for sublist in messages for item in sublist] # flatten again

# def createEditBufferRequest(channel):
# # How do we request the Voices? Just send all requests at once?
# return buildRequest(channel, PERFORMANCE_EDIT_BUFFER_ADDRESS) + \
# buildRequest(channel, VOICE_EDIT_BUFFFER_PART1) + \
# buildRequest(channel, VOICE_EDIT_BUFFFER_PART2) + \
# buildRequest(channel, VOICE_EDIT_BUFFFER_PART3) + \
# buildRequest(channel, VOICE_EDIT_BUFFFER_PART4)
# def isPartOfEditBufferDump(message):
# # Accept a certain set of addresses
# if isOwnSysex(message):
# address = addressFromMessage(message)
# return False
# def isEditBufferDump2(data):
# if isOwnSysex(data):
# messages = knobkraft.splitSysexMessage(data)
# if len(messages) != 5:
# return False
# all_five = [False, False, False, False, False]
# for m in messages:
# address = addressFromMessage(m)
# all_five[0] = True
# elif address == VOICE_EDIT_BUFFFER_PART1:
# all_five[1] = True
# elif address == VOICE_EDIT_BUFFFER_PART2:
# all_five[2] = True
# elif address == VOICE_EDIT_BUFFFER_PART3:
# all_five[3] = True
# elif address == VOICE_EDIT_BUFFFER_PART4:
# all_five[4] = True
# return all(all_five)
# return False
# def convertToEditBuffer(channel, data):
# if isEditBufferDump(data):
# return data
# #result = []
# #messages = knobkraft.splitSysex(data)
# #for message in messages:
# # # Recompose the message with the new channel in the lower 4 bits
# # result.extend(changeChannelInMessage(channel, message))
# #return result
# elif isSingleProgramDump(data):
# #result = []
# #messages = knobkraft.splitSysex(data)
# #result.extend(buildBulkDumpMessage(channel, bulkHeaderAddress, []))
# #for message in messages[1:6]:
# # result.extend(message)
# #result.extend(buildBulkDumpMessage(channel, bulkFooterAddress, []))
# #return result
# return []
# raise Exception("Not an edit buffer dump!")

def isSingleProgramDump(data):
# Just one message access the whole data set
return isPerformance(data) or isVoice(data)

def convertToProgramDump(channel, message, program_number):
if isSingleProgramDump(message):
new_message = message[:2] + [DEVICE_ID_DETECTED & 0x0f] + message[3:8] + [program_number % 128] + message[9:]
assert sum(message[4:-2]) % 128 == 0
assert sum([-m for m in message[4:-3]]) & 0x7f == message[-3]
recalculateChecksum = sum([-m for m in new_message[4:-3]]) & 0x7f
new_message[-3] = recalculateChecksum
return new_message
raise Exception("Can only convert single program dumps to program dumps")

def createProgramDumpRequest(channel, patch_no):
if 0 <= patch_no < 128:
# Request performance
return buildRequest(DEVICE_ID_DETECTED, PERFORMANCE_ADDRESS + [patch_no])
elif 128 <= patch_no < 256:
# Request voice
return buildRequest(DEVICE_ID_DETECTED, VOICE_ADDRESS + [patch_no])
raise Exception("Can only request 128 performances or 128 voices")

#def bankDownloadMethodOverride():
# return "EDITBUFFERS"

# def buildBulkDumpMessage(deviceID, address, data):
# message = [0xf0, 0x43, 0x00 | deviceID, 0x7f, 0x1c, 0, 0, 0x05, address[0], address[1], address[2]] + data
# data_len = len(data) + 4 # Include address and checksum in data size
# size_high = (data_len >> 7) & 0x7f
# size_low = data_len & 0x7f
# message[5] = size_high
# message[6] = size_low
# check_sum = 0
# for m in message[7:]:
# check_sum -= m
# message.append(check_sum & 0x7f)
# message.append(0xf7)
# return message

#def calculateFingerprint(message):
# for i in range(10):
# message[i] = 0
# return hashlib.md5(bytearray(message)).hexdigest()

def isOwnSysex(message):
return (len(message) > 7
and message[0] == 0xf0 # Sysex
and message[1] == YAMAHA_ID
and message[3] == YAMAHA_FS1R)

def numberFromDump(message):
if isPerformance(message):
return addressFromMessage(message)[2] # The lo address is the performance number
elif isVoice(message):
return addressFromMessage(message)[2] + 128
raise Exception("Can only extract program number from Performances and Voices!")

def addressFromMessage(message):
if isOwnSysex(message) and len(message) > 8:
return [message[6], message[7], message[8]]
raise Exception("Got invalid data block")

def isPerformance(message):
return isOwnSysex(message) and addressFromMessage(message)[:2] == PERFORMANCE_ADDRESS

def isVoice(message):
return isOwnSysex(message) and addressFromMessage(message)[:2] == VOICE_ADDRESS

def dataBlockFromMessage(message):
if isOwnSysex(message):
data_len = message[4] << 7 | message[5]
if len(message) == data_len + 12:
# The Check-sum is the value that results in a value of 0 for the
# lower 7 bits when the Model ID, Start Address, Data and Check sum itself are added.
checksum_block = message[0x04:-2]
if (sum(checksum_block) & 0x7f) == 0:
# return "Data" block
data_block = message[0x09:-3]
assert len(data_block) == data_len
return data_block
raise Exception("Got corrupt data block in refaceDX data")

def buildRequest(device_id, address):
return [0xf0, YAMAHA_ID, 0x20 | (device_id & 0x0f), YAMAHA_FS1R, address[0], address[1], address[2], 0xf7]

#def changeChannelInMessage(new_channel, message):
# return message[0:2] + [(message[2] & 0xf0) | (new_channel & 0x0f)] + message[3:]

def make_test_data():
messages = load_midi("testData/Yamaha_FS1R/Vdfs1r01.mid")

def edit_buffers(test_data: testing.TestData) -> List[testing.ProgramTestData]:
raw_data = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(test_data.all_messages))
for d in test_data.all_messages:
yield testing.ProgramTestData(message=raw_data, name="Piano 1 ", rename_name="Piano 2 ")

# Test a Soundmondo file
message = knobkraft.stringToSyx("F0 43 00 7F 1C 00 04 05 0E 0F 00 5E F7 F0 43 00 7F 1C 00 2A 05 30 00 00 53 6E 61 70 48 61 70 70 79 20 00 00 40 00 02 42 04 00 64 00 00 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 03 40 40 07 40 40 00 00 00 21 F7 F0 43 00 7F 1C 00 20 05 31 00 00 01 7F 3A 24 6E 7F 56 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 40 7D 3C 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 6E F7 F0 43 00 7F 1C 00 20 05 31 01 00 01 7F 5D 23 5A 7F 3C 00 00 04 0F 06 03 00 00 01 01 3F 70 48 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 5F F7 F0 43 00 7F 1C 00 20 05 31 02 00 01 7F 67 3C 5A 7F 60 00 00 04 00 0B 00 00 00 01 01 5C 62 4B 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 12 F7 F0 43 00 7F 1C 00 20 05 31 03 00 01 7F 4A 53 5A 7F 66 00 00 08 00 07 00 00 00 01 01 78 60 7F 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 43 F7 F0 43 00 7F 1C 00 04 05 0F 0F 00 5D F7")
yield testing.ProgramTestData(message=message, name="SnapHappy ", rename_name="Piano 2 ")

def program_buffers(test_data: testing.TestData) -> List[testing.ProgramTestData]:
program_data = []
for d in messages:
if isSingleProgramDump(d):
yield testing.ProgramTestData(message=program_data[0], name="HARDPNO PF ", rename_name="Piano 2 ", number=0, friendly_number="Bank3-2")
yield testing.ProgramTestData(message=program_data[127], name="Sitar ", rename_name="Piano 2 ", number=127, friendly_number="Bank3-2")
yield testing.ProgramTestData(message=program_data[128], name="HARDPNO PF", rename_name="Piano 2 ", number=128, target_no=140, friendly_number="Bank3-2")
yield testing.ProgramTestData(message=program_data[255], name="Sitar ", rename_name="Piano 2 ", number=255, target_no=244, friendly_number="Bank3-2")

return testing.TestData(program_generator=program_buffers)

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