This project uses the PxMatrix library to display some games on a 64x64 LED matrix. They run on an ESP32 and are controlled by an arcade stick and 2 buttons per player, as well as an additional Start button. I use PlatformIO in VS Code.
The code was written to be able to easily support any size LED matrix and a variable number of players.
Currently a Snake game and Tetris have been implemented. Both support 1-player, 2-player, and an auto-playing screensaver mode.
There is also an emulator included based on Adafruit_GFX_dummy_display with some modifications. This allows testing the code on a PC without needing to flash to the ESP32 every time. To build the executable, cd into src/Adafruit_GFX_emulator/ and run make. I'm on Windows so I used MSYS2, I think the Makefile should build on Linux but I haven't tested it.
I use an ESP32-WROOM-32D development board and will add wiring instructions eventually.