Releases: chrisgriffith/ionic-native-mocks
Releases · chrisgriffith/ionic-native-mocks
2.0.10 Release
Globalization fix
2.0.7 Release
Minor Updates
2.0.6 Release
Fixing a few minor typos in some mock methods
2.0.5 Release
Update the Crop mock's method
2.0.4 Release
Fixed Plugins
- Android Fingerprint Auth
- Contacts
- Globalization
- Local Notifications
Added Plugins
- HyperTrack
- Open Native Settings
- Pin Check
- QR Scanner
2.0.3 Release
Added the following mocks:
- native-geocoder
- native-keyboard
- native-page-transitions
- native-ringtones
- native-storage
- navigation-bar
- nfc
- onesignal
- paypal
- pedometer
- photo-library
- photo-viewer
- pin-dialog
- power-management
- printer
- rollbar
- safari-view-controller
- screenshot
- serial
- shake
- sim
- sms
- speech-recognition
- spinner-dialog
- sqlite-porter
- stepcounter
- streaming-media
- stripe
- taptic-engine
- text-to-speech
- themeable-browser
- three-dee-touch
- twitter-connect
- unique-device-id
- user-agent
- video-capture-plus
- video-editor
- video-player
- web-intent
- wheel-selector
- youtube-video-player
- zbar
- zeroconf
- zip
2.0.1 Release
Adding the following plugins:
- alipay
- android-fingerprint-auth
- android-full-screen
- android-permissions
- app-availability
- app-minimize
- app-update
- appodeal
- autostart
- estimote-beacons
- fcm
- file-chooser
- file-encryption
- file-opener
- file-path
- file-transfer
- fingerprint-aio
- firebase
- firebase-analytics
- firebase-dynamic-links
- flashlight
- flurry-analytics
- ftp
- geofence
- google-analytics
- google-plus
- header-color
- health
- health-kit
- hotspot
- http
- httpd
- ibeacon
- image-resizer
- in-app-purchase
- insomnia
- intel-security
- intercom
- is-debug
- jins-meme
- keychain
- launch-navigator
- launch-review
- location-accuracy
- media
Renamed Plugins
- admob → admob-pro
More Plugins
Adding the following plugins:
- background-fetch
- background-mode
- backlight
- brightness
- broadcaster
- browser-tab
- call-number
- camera-preview
- card-io
- clipboard
- code-push
- couchbase-lite
- crop
- deeplinks
- device-accounts
- device-feedback
- document-viewer
1.0.3 Release
Initial Public Release
Currently Available Mocks
- actions-sheets
- barcode-scanner
- ble
- bluetooth-serial
- calendar
- camera
- contacts
- date-picker
- db-meter
- device-motion
- device-orientation
- device
- dialog
- email-composer
- geolocation
- globalization
- image-picker
- keyboard
- network
- social-sharing
- splash-screen
- sqlite
- status-bar
- toast
- touch-id
- vibration