Crawler is a C# Class to crawl directories to get files from them. Useful, and still in Beta
Turning Debug Log File Off
Crawl.__DEBUG__ = false;
Clearing the Debug Log File
Instantiating The Crawl
Crawl myCrawl = new Crawl(string directory);
Crawl myCrawl = new Crawl(string directory,bool deep);
Crawl myCrawl = new Crawl(string directory, string extensions);
Crawl myCrawl = new Crawl(string directory,bool deep, string extensions);
Storing the Files from Crawl
List <FileDef> myList = myCrawl.Files;
Upcoming Changes
List <DirDef> myDirs = myCrawl.Directories;
List <TreeView> myTree = myCrawl.Tree;