There is lots of template/view engines out there like Pug, EJS etc. to use with NodeJS web projects. These engines are rich on features, but also quite heavy and requires a certian level for getting started.
Imagine you have a smaller web project and just need a fast (in memory), extremely lightweight view engine to render your HTML templates. Well, that was why I wrote this module.
First of all I have to say; lower your expectations. This module is very very simple, but that´s also the beauty of it I think. Your machine dosen´t need to walk through all these lines of unnecessary code for every request.
This module is 35 lines of code including comments and spaces. There is two function exports; load and get. What it simply does is to "load" all HTML templates from a directory in to an object in memory, then you use "get" to render a certian HTML template by replacing variables in the HTML file.
npm install simple-node-view
HTML template (index.html):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>&text; &name:</p>
Here is an example using the module with express
var express = require('express');
var view = require('simple-node-view');
var app = express();
view.load( { dir: './views/', format: '.html' })
app.get('/:name', function(req, res){
var indexpage = {
title: 'My homepage',
header: 'Welcome...',
text: 'Welcome to my homepage',
content = view.get('index', indexpage);
app.listen(3000, function(err) {
if(err) throw err;
- Support for global update of template variables
- Removed unecessary code, version 1.0.1 published to npm.
- Initial version released