Multi-threaded (parallel) tar.bz2 archiving of a directory with lowest priority CPU and I/O scheduling. Utilizes all cpu cores and detaches into background, will syslog when it's done.
- util-linux
- coreutils
- pbzip2
RPMs are built from releases for CentOS 6/7 (requires EPEL) and all currently supported Fedora versions.
dnf copr enable chotaire/parazip
dnf install parazip
yum install yum-plugin-copr
yum copr enable chotaire/parazip
yum install parazip
- Repositories are available here: OBS
Install on openSUSE 15.1:
zypper addrepo
zypper refresh
zypper install parazip
- Download from Github or Chotaire Git
- Unpack source code
chmod ugo+x parazip ; mv parazip /usr/local/bin
Usage: parazip [-V|--(no-)verbose] [-F|--(no-)foreground] [-S|--(no-)syslog]
[-M|--(no-)message] [-v|--version] [-I|--install] <source-dir> [<dest-dir>]
<source-dir> Source directory (single mandatory option)
<dest-dir> Destination directory (default: '.')
-V,--verbose,--no-verbose Display more verbose output (off by default)
-F,--foreground,--no-foreground No detaching into background (off by default)
-S,--syslog,--no-syslog Log start/end time to syslog (off by default)
-M,--message,--no-message Send tty msg upon completion (off by default)
-I,--install: Check for and install software dependencies
-h,--help: Prints this help
-v,--version: Prints version
You need to pass at least one argument (the 'source-dir' to be archived).