Finds and displays weather in the game Final Fantasy XIV. This project was inspired by super-aardvark's Weather Finder tool.
Currently looking for French, German, Korean, and Chinese translations. Interested translators should look in the /scripts/lang.js file for the text to be translated.
Selects an area to search weather windows in.
Selects 1 or more types of weather to transition into. Leaving all options unchecked automatically specifies all options.
Selects 1 or more types of weather to transition from. Leaving all options unchecked automatically specifies all options.
Selects 1 or more time periods in Eorzea Time to search for windows with the specified target weather. Leaving all options unchecked automatically specifies all options.
Adds the desired conditions to a list. Multiple sets of conditions may be added.
Performs the search using the specified conditions to find desired windows. If the search takes too long to complete (this can happen when the specified conditions are extremely rare), reduce the value of Maximum Number and/or Maximum Cycles under Advanced Options.
The maximum number of results to display in the table.
The maximum number of windows in which to search for the specified conditions.
Optionally sets a date at which to beginning searching windows from. If this option is unchecked or if the date is unspecified, the search will default to the current time when the "Find Weather" button is pressed.