Issue is accepted, but is not ready to be worked on or not in current sprint
Issue is accepted, but a milestone has yet to be added for the issue
Waiting on a response from either a commenter or ticket creator.
Issue is accepted, milestone added and are ready to be worked on
A user or team member has started working on the issue
Code has been added, and is available for review as a pull request
Code has been added to the repository, and has been reviewed by a team member
The issue has been resolved, and released to the public for consumption
Represents issues that are related to accessibility in UI such as WCAG, etc.
Issues that are blocked by something external to the code base.
A breaking change requires a major version bump (pre v1 does not apply in the same way).
Issues where something has happened which was not expected or intended
Issues and Tasks related to build automation
This issue requires a change to documentation
Issues that are duplicates of other issues
This issue is a giood issue to work on for Hacktoberfest.
This issue / pull request has been accepted as part of Hacktoberfest.
Issues that enhances existing functionality, or adds new features
Issues related to things that are invalid or are unable to be reproduced
This is used to mark Hacktoberfest pull requests as invalid