React Application, Resourcehub Front-end
Built as interns at https://www.serverlessguru.com/
By AJ Markow, Ben White, Chloe Hellberg
- React Frontend for an application to share resources for web developers.
- Check the site out at https://resource-hub.co
- Application where users can post & share helpful tech resources using a REST API backend with full CRUD functionality. AWS backend utilizing S3, DynamoDB, Lambda, Gateway & Cognito.
Images: 1. Landing Page 2. Component Diagram:
Interactive Development Environment To view or edit the document you will need a code/text editor. The popular open-source choices for a code editor are Atom and VisualStudio Code.
- Code Editor Download:
- Option 1: Atom (https://atom.io/)
- Option 2: Visual Studio Code (https://code.visualstudio.com/download)
- Click the download most applicable to your OS and system
- Wait for download to complete, then install — Windows will run the setup exe and macOS will drag and drop into applications
Setup and Use
- Click ‘Clone or Download’ to reveal the HTTPS url ending with .git and the ‘Download ZIP’ option
- Open up your system Terminal or GitBash, navigate to your desktop with the command: ‘cd Desktop’, or whichever location suits you best
- Clone the repository to your desktop:
$ git clone [https://github.com/ajmarkow/resourcehub-client
](https://github.com/ajmarkow/resourcehub-client) - Run the command
cd resourcehub-client
to enter into the project directory - View or Edit:
- Code Editor - Run the command ‘atom .’ or ‘code .’ to open the project in Atom or VS Code respectively for review and editing
- Text Editor - Open by double clicking on any of the files to open in a text editor
- In the project directory, type ‘npm install’ to download dependencies. After they install, type ‘npm start’ to run the application in development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. Page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console
- Several different secrets need to be defined in your environmental variables to host this application. They are listed as follows:
REACT_APP_API_REGION = your aws api hosting region
REACT_APP_URL = your aws api invoke url
REACT_APP_USER_POOL_ID = your aws cognito user pool id
REACT_APP_USER_POOL_ARN = your aws cognito user pool ARN
REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID = your cognito service client ID
REACT_APP_ID_POOL_ID = your cognito identity pool id
REACT_APP_BUCKET = name of S3 bucket to store attachments
REACT_APP_SPOTIFY_TOKEN = An api token obtained from spotify
- Additionally you’ll need a stripe publishable API key to set up the donation page on the frontend.
Learn More This project was bootstrapped with Create-React-App (https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app)
- To learn more go to: Create React App Documentation or React Documentation
Serverless Stack was a big resource for learning how to build this application.
- To learn more go to: https://serverless-stack.com/
No known bugs at this time. Please report if you find any here.
Ben White: https://github.com/BenW2140
AJ Markow: https://github.com/ajmarkow
Chloe Hellberg: https://github.com/chloehellberg
- AWS Services
- Amplify
- API Gateway
- Cognito
- Lambda
- Route
- S3
- Frameworks / Runtime
- Node.js
- React
- Create React App
- Serverless Framework
- Languages
- JavaScript
- Axios
- jQuery
- React Bootstrap
- React Bootstrap Icons
- React Hook Form
- React Lazy Load
- React Scroll
- React Spotify Player
- React Star Rating Component
- React Stripe Elements
- React Twitter Embed
- React Youtube
Copyright (c) 2021 AJ Markow, Ben White, Chloe Hellberg