Bench is a golang package to help speed up benchmarking projects. It can be used to do benchmark your database, queue or rest server.
Bench can call a function repeatedly or at a uniform rate with the specificied concurrency. For each call, the called function can captures metrics, which are summarized at the end of the run.
Captured metrics include:
- Timers. Use it to capture latency of functions, I/O bound calls.
- Counters.
A sample run will spew similar output
$ go run simple.go
Rate: 10 calls/sec, Duration: 5.00s, Concurrency: 2, Total runs: 50
>>Timer: Latency
5.0th percentile: 0.59ms
50.0th percentile: 0.67ms
99.9th percentile: 0.82ms
100.0th percentile: 0.82ms
>>Counter: Call Counter
Value: 50
Bench provides a Context in each function call. Use it to
- Pick different between urls for each call
- Add it as a custom header for your Rest call
- Generate different DB data
- Store run specific values. Example connection pools.
Bench is easy to integrate with your code. This code benchmarks a http server with a concurrency of 10 for 10 seconds by calling the benchmarkMe
function continuously.
func benchmarkMe(c *bench.Context) {
start := time.Now()
resp, err := http.Get("")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error %s", err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
func main() {
b := bench.NewBench(10, time.Second*10, 0, benchmarkMe)
fmt.Printf("%s", b)
Here, the same function is called at a rate of 100 per second.
func main() {
b := bench.NewBench(10, time.Second*10, 100, benchmarkMe)
fmt.Printf("%s", b)
Two features are in the offing.
- Support for an initial calibration period during which metrics are ignored.
- Production quality http benchmarks.