Menu Scheduler is a web application project that focuses on developing a menu scheduling application that allows managers to create and share weekly menus for staff workers. The application ensures employees have clear visibility of the planned meals while addressing specific dietary restrictions and allergies.
- Clone this repo
- Open a terminal and go to the project folder (here, it is
) - Now,
npm install
- Then,
npm run dev
If you have followed the above steps, your project should be running on localhost
- AllergyManager: Allows users to add/remove allergens, storing them in localStorage.
- WeeklyScheduler: Fetches dish data from an API, filters out allergens, and creates a weekly meal plan. Users can export the plan to PDF or Excel.
- src/components/AllergyManager.jsx → Manages allergies
- src/components/WeeklyScheduler.jsx → Generates and displays a weekly meal plan
- src/utils/api.js → Fetches dishes from an API
- src/utils/storage.js → Saves/retrieves allergy data from localStorage
- src/App.js → Main app structure
- src/index.css → Tailwind CSS for styling
- src/main.jsx → Renders the root React component
- index.html → Entry point for the app
- Uses useState to store allergy data.
- Retrieves stored allergies from localStorage (getAllergies).
- Add a new allergen (saved to localStorage).
- Remove an allergen from the list.
- Updates state and storage on any change.
- Uses useState and useEffect to fetch dish data and generate a schedule.
- Fetches dishes from
- Filters dishes based on stored allergens (i.e., avoids meals containing allergens).
- Generates a weekly meal schedule (randomized).
- Mark a day as "Day Off" (no meal assigned).
- Regenerate the schedule with new dishes.
- Export the schedule to: PDF using jsPDF and Excel using xlsx
- Fetches dish data from an external API.
- Handles errors if fetching fails.
- Saves/retrieves allergy data from localStorage.
- Header (Menu Scheduler title)
- AllergyManager
- WeeklyScheduler
- Uses Tailwind CSS for styling.
- index.css → Uses Tailwind CSS utilities.
- main.jsx → Renders inside #root (React's entry point).
- index.html → Defines the root div where the app is injected.
- User adds allergies → Stored in localStorage.
- Dishes are fetched from API.
Schedule is generated:
- Filters out dishes containing allergens.
- Randomly assigns meals to each day.
User can modify the schedule:
- Mark a day off.
- Regenerate meals.
- Export to PDF/Excel.
- Data persists (Allergies stored in localStorage).
- React (State management, Hooks)
- Tailwind CSS (Styling)
- date-fns (Date formatting)
- lucide-react (Icons)
- jsPDF & xlsx (Exporting data)
- Vite (React bundler)
This is a React-based meal planning app that: ✔️ Manages food allergies ✔️ Fetches dishes from an API ✔️ Generates a weekly meal plan ✔️ Allows modifications (day off, regeneration) ✔️ Exports schedules to PDF & Excel ✔️ Uses localStorage to persist allergy data
📌 Please feel free to contribute to this project with your commits
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Sure, open an issue, point out errors, and what not? Wanna fix something yourselves? You're welcome to open a PR.
Product Owner cum Developer - Prakash Das Github
Developer - Vasanthakumar Github