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📖 documentation
:book: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation.
🐛 bug
:bug: bug
Nope, it's a feature!
📈 performance
:chart_with_upwards_trend: performance
We need to go faster!
Pull requests that update Javascript code
🔗 dependencies
:link: dependencies
Ooh shiny updates!
🔒 security
:lock: security
This either improves security or is security critical.
🙅‍♂️ wontfix
:no_good_man: wontfix
Either because it's a duplicate or invalid.
👌 enhancement
:ok_hand: enhancement
Ya know, the things that make it better.
❓ question
:question: question
Some answers are needed here.
✨ new-feature
:sparkles: new-feature
The new and the shiny!
👋 help wanted
:wave: help wanted
We could use some help with this one!