Just another simple kafka exporter to scrape metrics from zookeeper and kafka brokers
A config file must be present in conf folder with the name equal to -cluster.name parameter value (For example, if -cluster.name=lab --> config file should be conf/lab.conf)
Config content:
"brokers": ["","",""]
./kafka-exporter -zk.servers=<list of comma separated http:/server:ports> -cluster.name=
-enable.consumer.metrics=true - Scrape consumer metrics (disable this if the cluster is too big with so many consumers)
-isdebug - Log debug
topic_current_offset topic_oldest_offset cluster_nodes cluster_current_nodes topic_partition_current_isr topic_partition_current_offset topic_partition_oldest_offset topic_partition_current_replicas topic_partition_current_leader cluster_current_controller under_replicated_partition consumer_group_partition_offset consumer_group_partition_lag topic_unavailable_partition cluster_dead_broker brokers_monitor_fails