A Shuup GraphQL API implementation
Install the package using pip into your virtualenv with Shuup.
In your urls.py
urlpatterns = [
# ...
url(r'^gql/', include('shuup_graphql.urls')),
In your settings.py
# ...
Currently we have two main entrypoints: the Front and the Admin.
The Front schema is used mostly for building applications for final users (usually customers). It will only access the current authenticated user information, such as profile, orders and baskets.
The Admin schema is used for building management applications. This will allow the authenticated user to access any data from any user.
The example of usage can be seen in unit tests.
To extend schemas or even replace our base ones, you just need to change your settings.
If you want to change the schema for front, replace FRONT_SCHEMA
settings with your own schema:
'FRONT_SCHEMA': "myapp.schemas.front.schema"
Then you can extend our base FrontQuery
in your myapp/schemas/front.py
from shuup_graphql.front.queries import FrontQuery
class MyCustomFrontQuery(MyCustomUserQuery, FrontQuery):
schema = graphene.Schema(query=MyCustomFrontQuery)
If you would like to remove some of the queries, then you need to create a complete new query and only add the base queries you want:
from shuup_graphql.front.queries._user import UserQuery
from myapp.schemas.custom_query import MyCustomQuery
class MyCustomFrontQuery(UserQuery, MyCustomQuery, graphene.ObjectType):
schema = graphene.Schema(query=MyCustomFrontQuery)
This is simply a group of mixin classes. The query used in the schema should contain all the classes you want. To extend the Admin, it is basically the same thing, but you must change the ADMIN_SCHEMA
settings instead.