A node.js application for managing valheim dedicated servers. https://www.valheimgame.com/
- Windows & Linux support
- Steam installation/updates
- Valheim installation/updates
- Valheim launches and automatic restarts
- Automatic world backups and restores
- Admin, banned, and permitted users management
- Automated port configuration (open/close router ports)
- System processor and memory checks/monitor
- Command Line Interface for setup and commands
- Full discord integration for monitor and commands
- Install Node.js - https://nodejs.org/en/
- Open a terminal or command prompt.
- Run the below command to install the tool.
- npm install -g valheim-manager
- Type the below command to launch the tool.
- valheim-manager
- Note: If you get an error stating "Cannot find module" you forgot to use -g when installing.
- Follow the prompt to generate a new configuration.
- Allow the manager to take care of the rest!
To save time on future launches, navigate to the location where you saved your configuration before starting the valheim manager.
cd C:\Users\scheg\Documents\ValheimManager\
Once the manager completes initialization, you can use any of the commands below to manage your server. These commands will also be available via discord if you chose to setup a discord bot.
- backup-create - Creates a new backup of the configured world.
- backup-list - Displays a list of backups available for the configured world.
- backup-pause - disables automatic backups until re-enabled, or the next vm restart.
- backup-restore - stops valheim, restores from a backup, and restarts valheim.
- backup-resume - Enables automatic backups using the configured interval.
- config-admin - Adds, removed, and lists ids from the valheim admin file.
- config-banned - Adds, removed, and lists ids from the valheim banned file.
- config-manager - Displays or sets a value for the valheim manager configuration.
- config-permit - Adds, removed, and lists ids from the valheim permitted players file.
- ports-auto-support - Determines if your router supports automatic port management services.
- ports-close - Closes the game ports if they were automatically opened.
- ports-open - Opens the game ports on your router using UPnP services.
- update-manager - Checks for new versions of the valheim manager.
- update-steam - Automatically updates to the newest version of the steam CLI.
- update-valheim - Automatically updates to the newest version of the Valheim Dedicates Server.
- valheim-autostart-off - Disables automatic restarts of the valheim dedicated server.
- valheim-autostart-on - Enables automatic restarts of the valheim dedicated server.
- valheim-stop - stops the valheim dedicated server
- valheim-start - starts the valheim dedicated server
- valheim-status - Shows the current status of the Valheim Dedicated Server.
The Valheim Manager can be used as a discord bot. The below instructions will help you register the bot with discord and gather the configuration items the bot will need.
- Create a new discord application - https://discord.com/developers/applications
- Select Bot under the settings, and then add bot
- Take note of the bots TOKEN. This is essentially the bots username and password for discord.
- Select OAuth under setting and take not of the CLIENT ID.
- Invite the bot to your discord server by using the link below (replace INSERT_CLIENT_ID_HERE with your id)
- Gather your discord ids by right clicking items in discord and selecting "Copy Id"
- Discord server id - The discord server the bot should pay attention to
- Admin / mod role - Anyone with this role will be able to use commands
- server log channel - The server log will feed to this channel
- command log channel - All commands will be logged here