A double-skinned calculator built with React + Vite just in time for Spooky Season—because even your calculator should be appropriately spooky!
This app was built as part of the FreeCodeCamp Front End Libraries path, inspired by the JavaScript Calculator challenge. It features:
✅ Two Skins: Classic Mode & Upside Down Mode 👀
✅ Fully Responsive Design
✅ Built with React + TypeScript for smooth performance
The goal was to create an app functionally similar to this: FreeCodeCamp JavaScript Calculator.
- Get all tests to pass ✅
- Implement React & TypeScript
- Make it aesthetically pleasing & unique
- Use a modern front-end build tool (Vite)
- React (Component-based UI)
- TypeScript (Type-safe development)
- Vite (Fast build tool)
- HTML5 & CSS3 (Responsive, accessible styling)
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/chauxvive/StrangerCalc.git
Navigate to the project folder
cd StrangerCalc
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the development server
npm run dev
Open the app in your browser
I’m a Software Developer & Marketing Specialist from Connecticut, open to new roles in development, project management, and design-driven tech solutions.
📩 Let’s connect! LinkedIn | GitHub
💡 Suggestions or bug reports? Open an issue or submit a PR! 🚀