This is static website hosted in It is generated using hugo
Hugo is a general-purpose website framework, static site generator, similar to jekyll. It flexibly works with many formats and is ideal for blogs, docs, portfolios and much more. It is written for speed and performance.
Hugo is a static site generator like jekyll.
- Archlinux
$ yaourt -S hugo-git
Other linux
$ # hugo can be installed either using gem or npm $ ## if using ruby gem $ gem install hugo $ ## or you can use npm $ npm install -g hugo
Installing hugo from source
Follow the guide in
- Clone the source branch and create folders
$ cd /path/to/projects
$ # clone the source branch
$ git clone -b source
$ cd
$ # make directories required by hugo
$ mkdir -p archetypes content data layouts public static
To make changes in the contents or details modify sh config.toml
To modify the front end look and feel (html, css, layout, javascripts) modify the themes/hugo-agency-theme. The layout is located in themes/hugo-agency-theme/layouts/. Similary, css in themes/hugo-agency-theme/static/css and javascripts in themes/hugo-agency-theme/static/js.
Preview the changes by opening a localhost at 1313 port using the command.
$ hugo server -w --theme=hugo-agency-theme --buildDrafts
Generate the final static site using
$ hugo --theme=hugo-agency-theme
Deploy the generated site to github
$ # stay in source branch
$ git checkout source
$ # add the changes
$ git add .
$ # commit the changes
$ git commit -m "commit message"
$ # push only generated files in public directory to master branch
$ git subtree push --prefix public origin master