Adding appropriate emojis to a given sentence. Changing "Congratulations on the promotion! Lets get coffee and talk. Love you!" to "Congratulations on the promotion! 👍 Lets get coffee and talk. ☕️ Love you! ❤️". We use LSTM model to predict emojis at the end of each sentence in an given input.
The following is the network Architecture
We calculate the maximim words in sentence and provide embeddings of these words as the input to the LSTM network, propagate through a droput layer and then propapgate thorough another layer. A softmax activation is added at the output layer to precict the emoji
Training Accuracy = 100%
Test Accuracy = 84%
Expected emoji:😞 prediction: are you serious😞
Expected emoji:⚾ prediction: Let us go play baseball ⚾
Expected emoji:😞 prediction: This stupid grader is not working 😞
Expected emoji:😄 prediction: Congratulation for having a baby 😄
Expected emoji:😞 prediction: stop pissing me off😞
Expected emoji:❤️ prediction: I love taking breaks ❤️
Expected emoji:🍴 prediction: I boiled rice 🍴