YouTubeAPI Tutorial:
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Galvanize Web App For this project, you will build a light application that reads data, has end-to-end testing, and integrates with an API. The topic is up to you, so pick a project that speaks to your interests.
For this project, you will build a light application that reads data, has end-to-end testing, and integrates with an API. The topic is up to you, so pick a project that speaks to your interests.
- You should have a brochure page that has information about what your app does and who it's for.
- Your app should make a GET request to an external API
- Your app should also pull from a second source of data. This can be another API, another endpoint on the same API, or from a local
file - You need to write some data transformation that combines the two objects in a meaningful way
- The resulting data should be dynamically added to the page
- You should allow a user to change the API end point. For example, get data about a specific movie, weather for a specific zip code, etc
- Your app should have end-to-end tests
- Deploy your app
Add a link to your code: /index.html /app.html /app.js /item.html /youtube.js
deployed site