Yongjae Lee, Zhaoliang Zhang, Deliang Fan
| arXiv |
In the work, the authors provide extensive experimental results comparing 3D Gaussian primitive pruning techniques combined with various score functions to identify the optimal setting for efficient 3DGS training. This repository contains the implementation of the techniques and functions the authors described in the paper.
Abstract: 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has made a significant stride in novel view synthesis, demonstrating top-notch rendering quality while achieving real-time rendering speed. However, the excessively large number of Gaussian primitives resulting from 3DGS' suboptimal densification process poses a major challenge, slowing down frame-per-second (FPS) and demanding considerable memory cost, making it unfavorable for low-end devices. To cope with this issue, many follow-up studies have suggested various pruning techniques, often in combination with different score functions, to optimize rendering performance. Nonetheless, a comprehensive discussion regarding their effectiveness and implications across all techniques is missing. In this paper, we first categorize 3DGS pruning techniques into two types: Cross-view pruning and pixel-wise pruning, which differ in their approaches to rank primitives. Our subsequent experiments reveal that while cross-view pruning leads to disastrous quality drops under extreme Gaussian primitives decimation, the pixel-wise pruning technique not only sustains relatively high rendering quality with minuscule performance degradation but also provides a reasonable minimum boundary for pruning. Building on this observation, we further propose multiple variations of score functions and empirically discover that the color-weighted score function outperforms others for discriminating insignificant primitives for rendering. We believe our research provides valuable insights for optimizing 3DGS pruning strategies for future works.
Our work is based on the 3DGS author's implementation. Here, we describe the basic installation and execution of our code, however, we highly recommend visiting the 3DGS' code repository for further details.
We tested our code on the common datasets for novel view synthesis (NVS) task. Download and locate them under project_root/data/
. Like,
├── data/
│ ├── db/ # Deep Blending
│ ├── mipnerf360/ # MipNeRF360
│ ├── nerf_synthetic/ # Nerf Synthetic
│ └── tandt/ # Tank&Temples
├── [other_directories...]
See the following links to download the datasets. Note that the T&T and DB are the versions provided by the 3DGS author.
- Clone this repo and enter the project root directory.
git clone https://github.com/nfyfamr/SafeguardGS.git --recursive
cd SafeguardGS
- Set up the conda environment.
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate SafeguardGS
- Train and evaluate the model for the bicycle scene in mipnerf360.
python train.py -s data/mipnerf360/bicycle -m output/mipnerf360/bicycle --eval # pruning method: 3DGS (default)
python train.py -s data/mipnerf360/bicycle -m output/mipnerf360/bicycle --prune_method compact_3dgs --eval # pruning method: compact_3dgs
python train.py -s data/mipnerf360/bicycle -m output/mipnerf360/bicycle --prune_method light_gaussian --eval # pruning method: light_gaussian
python train.py -s data/mipnerf360/bicycle -m output/mipnerf360/bicycle --prune_method random --eval # pruning method: random
python train.py -s data/mipnerf360/bicycle -m output/mipnerf360/bicycle --prune_method mini_splatting --eval # pruning method: mini_splatting
python train.py -s data/mipnerf360/bicycle -m output/mipnerf360/bicycle --prune_method rad_splat --eval # pruning method: rad_splat
python train.py -s data/mipnerf360/bicycle -m output/mipnerf360/bicycle --prune_method efficient_gs --eval # pruning method: efficient_gs
python train.py -s data/mipnerf360/bicycle -m output/mipnerf360/bicycle --prune_method safeguard_gs --eval # pruning method: safeguard_gs
Each pruning method has specific arguments, see arguments/__init__.py. For the information about arguments provided by 3DGS, see their description.
Pruning arguments
--compact_3dgs_mask_lr 0.01
--compact_3dgs_lambda_mask 0.0005
--compact_3dgs_prune_iter 1000
--light_gaussian_prune_iterations 20000
--light_gaussian_prune_percent 0.6
--light_gaussian_prune_decay 0.6
--light_gaussian_v_pow 0.1
--random_prune_iterations 15000
--random_prune_ratio 0.1
--mini_splatting_prune_iterations 15000
--mini_splatting_preserving_ratio 0.1
--mini_splatting_imp_metric indoor
--rad_splat_prune_threshold 0.01
--rad_splat_prune_iterations 16000,24000
--efficient_gs_prune_iterations 15500
--efficient_gs_prune_topk 1
--safeguard_gs_purne_topk 10
--safeguard_gs_prune_iterations 15000
--safeguard_gs_score_function 0x01
# Function IDs are defined using bitmasking. For example, `safeguard_gs_score_function=0x24`, which is SafeguardGS' choice, outputs `L1_color_error * alpha * transmittance`.
# First 2 bytes:
# 0x00. score = 1
# 0x01. score = opacity
# 0x02. score = alpha
# 0x03. score = opacity * transmittance
# 0x04. score = alpha * transmittance
# 0x05. score = dist error
# 0x06. score = dist error * opacity
# 0x07. score = dist error * alpha
# 0x08. score = dist error * opacity * transmittance
# 0x09. score = dist error * alpha * transmittance
# Last 2 bytes:
# 0x10. score = color error (Cosine similarity)
# 0x20. score = color error (Manhattan distance)
# 0x30. score = exp color error (Manhattan distance)
--safeguard_gs_p_dist_activation_coef 1.0
--safeguard_gs_c_dist_activation_coef 1.0
The 3DGS authors implemented a differentiable rasterizer as a CUDA extension. We added score function implementations on top of it for efficiency purposes. For software and hardware requirements, see their description here.
The authors thank the authors for sharing their ideas. We referred to 3DGS, Compact 3DGS, LightGaussian, Mini-Splatting, RadSplat, and EfficientGS to build our platform.
title={SafeguardGS: 3D Gaussian Primitive Pruning While Avoiding Catastrophic Scene Destruction},
author={Yongjae Lee and Zhaoliang Zhang and Deliang Fan},