- Link to deployed client site
- Link to Heroku site
- Link to Front-End codebase
This Rails application is hosted on Heroku and handles all of the back-end functionality for the Rickhouse single-page-application. It exposes an API for the front-end application to create, read, update, and destroy resources in the database, and serves up requested data based on the current logged-in user.
- Ruby/Rails: provides the entire API structure.
- cURL: authorization/CRUD calls to the Heroku site, to test endpoints from the terminal.
- git/GitHub: for all version control.
- (2019/10/17) - Created whiskey scaffold to create the Whiskeys table. Linked table to Users (belongs-to).
- (2019/10/18) - Removed some columns from the Whiskeys table with db migration in order to simplify functionality. Created all auth cURL-scripts to test functionality when deployed to Heroku. Much of the day was spent trying, and failing, to get server to accept whiskey create/read requests (500 error thrown). Lots of fiddling with the whiskey controller, model, serializer (etc.) and re-deploying to Heroku.
- (2019/10/21) - Entire day was spent tracking down bug that was causing the 500 error from the server on whiskey create/index. Destroyed and re-created whiskey scaffold, adjusted controllers many times (etc.). Finally discovered some erroneous references in the whiskey serializer/controller. Fixed whiskey controller to only return resources for the current_user.
- Would like to create a many-to-many relationship between users and whiskies with a 'Favorites' table.
- Would like to populate an initial database with whiskies and allow users to choose from list, or to auto-populate with a search function.
- Need to update the ERD to reflect the current table structure.