- R and Python package dependencies updated to use TileDB-SOMA version 1.6.0
- [python]
is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the new SOMAblockwise
iterators available on the SparseNDMatrix class.
What's Changed
- [misc] Bump aiohttp from 3.8.6 to 3.9.0 in /tools/cellxgene_census_builder by @dependabot in #868
- [builder] Absolute uris should use the default mirror by @ebezzi in #863
- [python] GeneformerTokenizer maintenance by @mlin in #861
- [python] migrate GeneformerTokenizer to blockwise iterator by @mlin in #866
- [python] [r] Fix tests that had the mirror name hardcoded by @ebezzi in #869
- [builder] Fix builder release manifest validation to not check for absolute uri by @ebezzi in #882
- [python] upgrade to tiledbsoma and add obsm to get_anndata by @ebezzi in #885
- [misc] Contrib embeddings by @bkmartinjr in #853
- [r] add obsm_layers to get_seurat() and get_single_cell_experiment() by @mlin in #887
- [python] Geneformer fine-tuning scripts by @mlin in #805
- [python] scVI pipeline by @ebezzi in #787
Full Changelog: v1.8.0...v1.9.0