An amplify plugin that notifies your Slack Channel whenever amplify push
is triggered from your CLI locally.
npm i -g amplify-push-slack-notifier-plugin
Install Amplify CLI globally if you have not already.
npm i -g @aws-amplify/cli
The following environmental variables need to be setup beforehand.
Create a Slack App and add an Incoming Webhook, then copy the Webhook URL to be used in AMPLIFY_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL
From the root of your amplify project run
amplify plugin add amplify-push-slack-notifier-plugin
Now whenever amplify push
is performed from the Amplify CLI, it will send a message to your specified Slack Channel in the following format.
<AWS USERNAME> pushed to amplify env: <AMPLIFY ENV>
- Changes that have been made.
npm i -g amplify-push-slack-notifier-plugin@latest
From the root of your amplify project run
amplify plugin add amplify-push-slack-notifier-plugin