Build binaries
cd src ; make
( you should have mysql_config available in $PATH)
Load data
- create database
mysqladmin create tpcc1000
- create tables
mysql tpcc1000 < create_table.sql
- create indexes and FK ( this step can be done after loading data)
mysql tpcc1000 < add_fkey_idx.sql
- populate data
- simple step
tpcc_load -h127.0.0.1 -d tpcc1000 -u root -p "" -w 1000
|hostname:port| |dbname| |user| |password| |WAREHOUSES| ref. tpcc_load --help for all options - load data in parallel check load.sh script
- simple step
- create database
Start benchmark
./tpcc_start -h127.0.0.1 -P3306 -dtpcc1000 -uroot -w1000 -c32 -r10 -l10800
- |hostname| |port| |dbname| |user| |WAREHOUSES| |CONNECTIONS| |WARMUP TIME| |BENCHMARK TIME|
- ref. tpcc_start --help for all options
With the defined interval (-i option), the tool will produce the following output:
10, trx: 12920, 95%: 9.483, 99%: 18.738, max_rt: 213.169, 12919|98.778, 1292|101.096, 1293|443.955, 1293|670.842
20, trx: 12666, 95%: 7.074, 99%: 15.578, max_rt: 53.733, 12668|50.420, 1267|35.846, 1266|58.292, 1267|37.421
30, trx: 13269, 95%: 6.806, 99%: 13.126, max_rt: 41.425, 13267|27.968, 1327|32.242, 1327|40.529, 1327|29.580
40, trx: 12721, 95%: 7.265, 99%: 15.223, max_rt: 60.368, 12721|42.837, 1271|34.567, 1272|64.284, 1272|22.947
50, trx: 12573, 95%: 7.185, 99%: 14.624, max_rt: 48.607, 12573|45.345, 1258|41.104, 1258|54.022, 1257|26.626
- 10 - the seconds from the start of the benchmark
- trx: 12920 - New Order transactions executed during the gived interval (in this case, for the previous 10 sec). Basically this is the throughput per interval. The more the better
- 95%: 9.483: - The 95% Response time of New Order transactions per given interval. In this case it is 9.483 sec
- 99%: 18.738: - The 99% Response time of New Order transactions per given interval. In this case it is 18.738 sec
- max_rt: 213.169: - The Max Response time of New Order transactions per given interval. In this case it is 213.169 sec
- the rest:
12919|98.778, 1292|101.096, 1293|443.955, 1293|670.842
is throughput and max response time for the other kind of transactions and can be ignored