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ParaView LAS Plugin

Build Instructions

To create a plugin, one must have their own build of ParaView3. Binaries downloaded from do not include the necessary header files or import libraries (where applicable) for compiling plug-ins. More information on writing ParaView plugins can be found here.

The build process to compile and run the LAS plugin for ParaView is defined by three steps: 1) Building ParaView, 2) Building libLAS and 3) Building the LAS plugin.

Download and install Paraview

Download the ParaView 3.14.1 source tarball and follow the build instructions to compile ParaView. First, unpack the tarball, i.e.,

$ tar xvfz ParaView-3.14.1-Source.tar.gz
$ cd ParaView-3.14.1-Source

Then, create a Build directory and call ccmake to enter a graphical user interface for changing cmake variables. Alternatively, you can also set the variables on the command line.

$ mkdir Build
$ cd Build
$ ccmake ..

Note: Make sure that BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is set to ON (default is OFF). Hitting 'c' followed by 'g' will configure and generate all files for the build process. Running

$ make

will build ParaView as well as all the submodules (such as VTK). Optionally, you can specify -jN, e.g., make -j4 to speed up the compilation process by using more cores.

(Optional) Download and build LASzip

To add support for LASzip compressed data, download the LASzip 2.1.0 source tarball. To compile LASzip, unpack the tarball, i.e.,

tar xvfz laszip-2.1.0.tar.gz
cd laszip-2.1.0

Next, create a build directory and call ccmake to enter a graphical user interface for changing cmake variables. Alternatively, you can also set the variables on the command line.

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ccmake ..

Hitting 'c' followed by 'g' will configure and generate all files for the build process. Running

$ make
$ make install

will build LASzip and install it on your system.

Download and build libLAS

Download the libLAS 1.7.0 source tarball and follow the build instructions to compile libLAS. First, unpack the tarball, i.e.,

$ tar xvfz libLAS-1.7.0.tar.gz
$ cd libLAS-1.7.0

For now, we assume the user has the following libLAS dependencies installed.

  • Boost 1.38.0
  • GDAL 1.7.0
  • libgeotiff 1.3.0

Although these are the published requirements, we tested with Boost 1.49.0 and trunk versions of GDAL and libgeotiff.

Next, create a build directory and call ccmake to enter a graphical user interface for changing cmake variables. Alternatively, you can also set the variables on the command line.

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ccmake ..

Note: Make sure that WITH_GDAL and WITH_GEOTIFF are set to ON (default is OFF). If building with optional LASzip support, also set WITH_LASZIP to ON (default is OFF).

Hitting 'c' followed by 'g' will configure and generate all files for the build process. Running

$ make
$ make install

will build libLAS and install it on your system.

Download and build the LAS Plugin

With ParaView and libLAS compiled, we are ready to build the plugin. First, obtain the source from GitHub. Then, create a Build directory and run ccmake, i.e.,

$ mkdir Build
$ cd Build
$ ccmake ..

Make sure to set the ParaView_DIR cmake variable to

$ ParaView_DIR <FullPathToParaViewSource>/ParaView-3.14.1-Source/Build

Hit 'c' and 'g' to configurate and generate. Alternatively, you can set all on the command line by

$ cmake -DParaView_DIR=<FullPathToParaViewSource>/ParaView-3.14.1-Source/Build ..


$ make

will compile the plugin and make it available for use within ParaView.

Importing the LAS Plugin in ParaView

Now that we have built the plugin, we are ready to import it in ParaView. First, start ParaView

$ cd <FullPathToParaViewSource>/ParaView-3.14.1-Source/Build
$ bin/paraview

Then, go to Tools/Manage Plugins. Press the Load New... button and navigate to ParaView's ParaView/Build/bin directory. Navigate to the Build/bin directory where you unpacked the plugin and select to load. You might also want to enable Auto Load so that the plugin gets automatically loaded. You should now be ready to use the LAS Plugin in ParaView.


LAS Reader Plugin for ParaView






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