IoT control panel that use firebase as the database the control led and motion sensor from beaglebone. The output of the motion sensor will be Classified into long(>=3seconds) and short(<3 seconds) motion. The program will then translate long and short (Dash and dit) into it's corresponding alphabet based on morse code.
- Basic functionality on translating morse code in to english alphabet from A-Z.
- Basic interface for the client
- User can enter data through motion sensor
- Motion detected will be printed in the server console
- Server can determine incoming signal is a long or short motion
- The long or short signal will also be printed on the client side
- Output message based on the combination of input received by the motion sensor.
- Start new morse code after 3 seconds of no motion
- Start a new word after 7 seconds of no motion
- Added numeric morse code
- Added punctuation morse code
- Allowed client side to start and end the transmission
- Added SK prosign to end the transmission
File | Function |
/app.js/ | For the server to run motion sensor and led |
/firebaseWebApi.js | For client to send command and receive result. |
- Microcontroller : BeagleBone Black with Debian V8.7
- Power supply: Micro USB connected to computer
- Sensors: Motion sensor
- Cables: 5 male to female jumper wires
- Output : led light
- Node.js(pre-installed)
- Bonescript(pre-installed)
- Firebase-admin
- Firebase-tools
- Connect the negative pin to the DGND (P8 02 )
- Connect the positive pin to the GPIO (P8 08)
- Connect the out pin to GPIO (P8 07)
- Connect ground pin to DGND (P8 01)
- Connect VCC pin to sys_5 (P9 08)
- You need a working internet connection for it to work
- Depending on internet connection there might be a delay in transmitting the morse code
Set up the beaglebone. This includes installing drivers for respective OS.
Once connected. Ssh to the beaglebone by running
$ ssh [email protected]
Clone this repository into a directory in beaglebone black
Install all the dependencies by running this code on terminal
$ npm install
Run server.js. This will start the motion sensor
$ node app.js
Run firebase server. It will create a server listening to port 3001
$ firebase serve -o -p 5000
Navigate to your server in your browser