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IDDM (Industrial, landscape, animate...), support DDPM, DDIM, PLMS, webui and multi-GPU distributed training. Pytorch实现,生成模型,扩散模型,分布式训练


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IDDM: Integrated Design Diffusion Model


About the Model

This diffusion model is based on the classic DDPM (Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models), DDIM (Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models) and PLMS (Pseudo Numerical Methods for Diffusion Models on Manifolds) presented in the papers "Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models", "Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models" and "Pseudo Numerical Methods for Diffusion Models on Manifolds".

We named this project IDDM: Integrated Design Diffusion Model. It aims to reproduce the model, write trainers and generators, and improve and optimize certain algorithms and network structures. This repository is actively maintained.

If you have any questions, please check the existing issues first. If the issue persists, feel free to open a new one for assistance, or you can contact me via email at [email protected] or [email protected].

Repository Structure

Integrated Design Diffusion Model
├── config
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── datasets
│   └── dataset_demo
│       ├── class_1
│       ├── class_2
│       └── class_3
├── model
│   ├── modules
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
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│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── networks
│   │   ├── sr
│   │   │   └──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   └── samples
│       ├──
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│       ├──
│       └──
├── results
├── sr
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── test
│   ├── noising_test
│   │   ├── landscape
│   │   └── noise
│   └──
├── tools
│   ├──
│   ├──
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├── utils
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│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── webui
│   └──
└── weight

Next Steps

  • 1. Implement cosine learning rate optimization. (2023-07-31)
  • 2. Use a more advanced U-Net network model. (2023-11-09)
  • 3. Generate larger-sized images. (2023-11-09)
  • 4. Implement multi-GPU distributed training. (2023-07-15)
  • 5. Enable fast deployment and API on cloud servers. (2023-08-28)
  • 6. Adding DDIM Sampling Method. (2023-08-03)
  • 7. Support other image generation. (2023-09-16)
  • 8. Low-resolution generated images for super-resolution enhancement.[Super resolution model, the effect is uncertain.] (2024-02-18)
  • 9. Use Latent Diffusion and reduce GPU memory usage
  • 10. Reconstruct the overall structure of the model (2023-12-06)
  • 11. Write visual webui interface. (2024-01-23)
  • 12. Adding PLMS Sampling Method. (2024-03-12)
  • 13. Adding FID calculator to verify image quality. (2024-05-06)



The training GPU implements environment for this README is as follows: models are trained and tested with the NVIDIA RTX 3060 GPU with 6GB memory, NVIDIA RTX 2080Ti GPU with 11GB memory and NVIDIA RTX 6000 (×2) GPU with 24GB (total 48GB, distributed training) memory. The above GPUs can all be trained normally.

Start Your First Training (Using cifar10 as an Example, Single GPU Mode)

  1. Import the Dataset

    First, upload the dataset to the target folder datasets [issue]. After uploading, the folder structure (for example, under the cifar10 folder, there are folders for each class; class0 folder contains all images for class 0) should look like the following:

     └── cifar10
         ├── class0
         ├── class1
         ├── class2
         ├── class3
         ├── class4
         ├── class5
         ├── class6
         ├── class7
         ├── class8
         └── class9

    At this point, your pre-training setup is complete.

  2. Set Training Parameters

    Open the file and modify the parser parameters inside the if __name__ == "__main__": block.

    Set the --conditional parameter to True because it's a multi-class training, so this needs to be enabled. For single-class, you can either not enable it or enable it.

    Set the --run_name parameter to the desired file name you want to create, for example, cifar_exp1.

    Set the --dataset_path parameter to the file path on your local or remote server, such as /your/local/or/remote/server/file/path/datasets/cifar10.

    Set the --result_path parameter to the file path on your local or remote server where you want to save the results.

    Set the --num_classes parameter to 10 (this is the total number of your classes. No need to set for models after version 1.1.4).

    Set any other custom parameters as needed. If the error CUDA out of memory is shown in your terminal, turn down --batch_size and num_workers.

    In the custom parameters, you can set different --sample such as ddpm or ddim , and set different training networks --network such as unet or cspdarkunet. Of course, activation function --act, optimizer --optim, automatic mixed precision training --amp, learning rate method --lr_func and other parameters can also be customized.

    For detailed commands, refer to the Training Parameters section.

  3. Wait for the Training Process

    After clicking run, the project will create a cifar_exp1 folder in the results folder. This folder will contain training log files, model training files, model EMA (Exponential Moving Average) files, model optimizer files, all files saved during the last training iteration, and generated images after evaluation.

  4. View the Results

    You can find the training results in the results/cifar_exp1 folder.

↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓The following is an explanation of various training methods and detailed training parameters↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

Normal Training

  1. Take the landscape dataset as an example and place the dataset files in the datasets folder. The overall path of the dataset should be /your/path/datasets/landscape, the images path should be /your/path/datasets/landscape/images, and the image files should be located at /your/path/datasets/landscape/images/*.jpg.

  2. Open the file and locate the --dataset_path parameter. Modify the path in the parameter to the overall dataset path, for example, /your/path/datasets/landscape.

  3. Set the necessary parameters such as --sample, --conditional, --run_name, --epochs, --batch_size, --image_size, --result_path, etc. If no parameters are set, the default settings will be used. There are two ways to set the parameters: directly modify the parser in the if __name__ == "__main__": section of the file (WE RECOMMEND THIS WAY), or run the following command in the terminal at the /your/path/Defect-Diffusion-Model/tools directory:
    Conditional Training Command

    python --sample ddpm --conditional --run_name df --epochs 300 --batch_size 16 --image_size 64 --dataset_path /your/dataset/path --result_path /your/save/path

    Unconditional Training Command

    python --sample ddpm --run_name df --epochs 300 --batch_size 16 --image_size 64 --dataset_path /your/dataset/path --result_path /your/save/path
  4. Wait for the training to complete.

  5. If the training is interrupted due to any reason [issue], you can resume it by setting --resume to True in the file, specifying the epoch number where the interruption occurred, providing the folder name of the interrupted training (run_name), and running the file again. Alternatively, you can use the following command to resume the training:
    Conditional Resume Training Command

    # This is using --start_epoch, default use current epoch checkpoint
    python --resume --start_epoch 10 --sample ddpm --conditional --run_name df --epochs 300 --batch_size 16 --image_size 64 --dataset_path /your/dataset/path --result_path /your/save/path
    # This is not using --start_epoch, default use last checkpoint 
    python --resume --sample ddpm --conditional --run_name df --epochs 300 --batch_size 16 --image_size 64 --dataset_path /your/dataset/path --result_path /your/save/path

    Unconditional Resume Training Command

    # This is using --start_epoch, default use current epoch checkpoint
    python --resume --start_epoch 10 --sample ddpm --run_name df --epochs 300 --batch_size 16 --image_size 64 --dataset_path /your/dataset/path --result_path /your/save/path
    # This is not using --start_epoch, default use last checkpoint 
    python --resume --sample ddpm --run_name df --epochs 300 --batch_size 16 --image_size 64 --dataset_path /your/dataset/path --result_path /your/save/path
  6. The pretrained models are released with every major Release, so please stay updated. To use a pretrained model [issue], download the model corresponding to parameters such as network, image_size, act, etc., and save it to any local folder. Adjust the --pretrain and --pretrain_path in the file accordingly. You can also use the following command for training with a pretrained model:

    Command for conditional training with a pretrained model

    python --pretrain --pretrain_path /your/pretrain/path/ --sample ddpm --conditional --run_name df --epochs 300 --batch_size 16 --image_size 64 --dataset_path /your/dataset/path --result_path /your/save/path

    Command for unconditional training with a pretrained model

    python --pretrain --pretrain_path /your/pretrain/path/ --sample ddpm --run_name df --epochs 300 --batch_size 16 --image_size 64 --dataset_path /your/dataset/path --result_path /your/save/path

Distributed Training

  1. The basic configuration is similar to regular training, but note that enabling distributed training requires setting --distributed. To prevent arbitrary use of distributed training, we have several conditions for enabling distributed training, such as args.distributed, torch.cuda.device_count() > 1, and torch.cuda.is_available().

  2. Set the necessary parameters, such as --main_gpu and --world_size. --main_gpu is usually set to the main GPU, which is used for validation, testing, or saving weights, and it only needs to be run on a single GPU. The value of world_size corresponds to the actual number of GPUs or distributed nodes being used.

  3. There are two methods for setting the parameters. One is to directly modify the parser in the file under the condition if __name__ == "__main__":. The other is to run the following command in the console under the path /your/path/Defect-Diffiusion-Model/tools:

    Conditional Distributed Training Command

    python --sample ddpm --conditional --run_name df --epochs 300 --batch_size 16 --image_size 64 --dataset_path /your/dataset/path --result_path /your/save/path --distributed --main_gpu 0 --world_size 2

    Unconditional Distributed Training Command

    python --sample ddpm --run_name df --epochs 300 --batch_size 16 --image_size 64 --dataset_path /your/dataset/path --result_path /your/save/path --distributed --main_gpu 0 --world_size 2
  4. Wait for the training to complete. Interrupt recovery is the same as basic training.

IDDM Distributed Training

Training Parameters

Parameter Explanation

Parameter Name Conditional Usage Type Description
--seed Initialize Seed int Set the seed for reproducible image generation from the network
--conditional Enable conditional training bool Enable to modify custom configurations, such as modifying the number of classes and classifier-free guidance interpolation weights
--sample Sampling method str Set the sampling method type, currently supporting DDPM and DDIM.
--network Training network str Set the training network, currently supporting UNet, CSPDarkUNet.
--run_name File name str File name used to initialize the model and save information
--epochs Total number of epochs int Total number of training epochs
--batch_size Training batch size int Size of each training batch
--num_workers Number of loading processes int Number of subprocesses used for data loading. It consumes a large amount of CPU and memory but can speed up training
--image_size Input image size int Input image size. Adaptive input and output sizes
--dataset_path Dataset path str Path to the conditional dataset, such as CIFAR-10, with each class in a separate folder, or the path to the unconditional dataset with all images in one folder
--amp Automatic mixed precision training bool Enable automatic mixed precision training. It effectively reduces GPU memory usage but may affect training accuracy and results
--optim Optimizer str Optimizer selection. Currently supports Adam and AdamW
--loss Loss function str Loss selection. Currently supports MSELoss, L1Loss, HuberLoss and SmoothL1Loss
--act Activation function str Activation function selection. Currently supports gelu, silu, relu, relu6 and lrelu
--lr Learning rate float Initial learning rate.
--lr_func Learning rate schedule str Setting learning rate schedule, currently supporting linear, cosine, and warmup_cosine.
--result_path Save path str Path to save the training results
--save_model_interval Save model after in training bool Whether to save the model after each training iteration for model selection based on visualization. If false, the model only save the last one
--save_model_interval_epochs Save the model interval int Save model interval and save it every X epochs
--start_model_interval Start epoch for saving models int Start epoch for saving models. This option saves disk space. If not set, the default is -1. If set, it starts saving models from the specified epoch. It needs to be used with --save_model_interval
--vis Visualize dataset information bool Enable visualization of dataset information for model selection based on visualization
--num_vis Number of visualization images generated int Number of visualization images generated. If not filled, the default is the number of image classes
--image_format Generated image format in training str Generated image format in training, recommend to use png for better generation quality
--noise_schedule Noise schedule str This method is a model noise adding method
--resume Resume interrupted training bool Set to "True" to resume interrupted training. Note: If the epoch number of interruption is outside the condition of --start_model_interval, it will not take effect. For example, if the start saving model time is 100 and the interruption number is 50, we cannot set any loading epoch points because we did not save the model. We save the file every training, so we need to use the last saved model for interrupted training
--start_epoch Epoch number of interruption int Epoch number where the training was interrupted, the model will load current checkpoint
--pretrain Enable use pretrain model bool Enable use pretrain mode to load checkpoint
--pretrain_path Pretrain model load path str Pretrain model load path
--use_gpu Set the use GPU int Set the use GPU in normal training, input is GPU's id
--distributed Distributed training bool Enable distributed training
--main_gpu Main GPU for distributed int Set the main GPU for distributed training
--world_size Number of distributed nodes int Number of distributed nodes, corresponds to the actual number of GPUs or distributed nodes being used
--num_classes Number of classes int Number of classes used for classification (No need to set for models after version 1.1.4)
--cfg_scale Classifier-free guidance weight int Classifier-free guidance interpolation weight for better model generation effects


  1. Open the file and locate the --weight_path parameter. Modify the path in the parameter to the path of your model weights, for example /your/path/weight/

  2. Set the necessary parameters such as --conditional, --generate_name, --num_images, --num_classes(No need to set for models after version 1.1.4), --class_name, --image_size, --result_path, etc. If no parameters are set, the default settings will be used. There are two ways to set the parameters: one is to directly modify the parser in the if __name__ == "__main__": section of the file, and the other is to use the following commands in the console while in the /your/path/Defect-Diffusion-Model/tools directory:

    Conditional Generation Command (version > 1.1.1)

    python --generate_name df --num_images 8 --class_name 0 --image_size 64 --weight_path /your/path/weight/ --sample ddpm

    Unconditional Generation Command (version > 1.1.1)

    python --generate_name df --num_images 8 --image_size 64 --weight_path /your/path/weight/ --sample ddpm

    Conditional Generation Command (version <= 1.1.1)

    python --conditional --generate_name df --num_images 8 --class_name 0 --image_size 64 --weight_path /your/path/weight/ --sample ddpm --network unet --act gelu 

    Unconditional Generation Command (version <= 1.1.1)

    python --generate_name df --num_images 8 --image_size 64 --weight_path /your/path/weight/ --sample ddpm --network unet --act gelu 
  3. Wait for the generation process to complete.

Generation Parameters

Parameter Explanation

Parameter Name Conditional Usage Type Description
--conditional Enable conditional generation bool If enabled, allows custom configuration, such as modifying classes or classifier-free guidance interpolation weights
--generate_name File name str File name to initialize the model for saving purposes
--image_size Input image size int Size of input images, adaptive input/output size. if class name is -1 and conditional is True, the model would output one image per class.
--image_format Generated image format str Generated image format, jpg/png/jpeg. Recommend to use png for better generation quality.
--num_images Number of generated images int Number of images to generate
--weight_path Path to model weights str Path to the model weights file, required for network generation
--result_path Save path str Path to save the generated images
--sample Sampling method str Set the sampling method type, currently supporting DDPM and DDIM. (No need to set for models after version 1.1.1)
--network Training network str Set the training network, currently supporting UNet, CSPDarkUNet. (No need to set for models after version 1.1.1)
--act Activation function str Activation function selection. Currently supports gelu, silu, relu, relu6 and lrelu. If you do not set the same activation function as the model, mosaic phenomenon will occur. (No need to set for models after version 1.1.1)
--num_classes Number of classes int Number of classes for classification (No need to set for models after version 1.1.1)
--class_name Class name int Index of the class to generate images. if class name is -1, the model would output one image per class.
--cfg_scale Classifier-free guidance weight int Weight for classifier-free guidance interpolation, for better generation model performance


We conducted training on the following four datasets using the DDPM sampler with an image size of 64*64. we also enabled conditional, using the gelu activation function, linear learning function and setting learning rate to 3e-4. The datasets are cifar10, NEUDET, NRSD-MN, and WOOD in 300 epochs. The results are shown in the following figure:


























Animate face (JUST FOR FUN)






Base on the 64×64 model to generate 160×160 (every size) images

Of course, based on the 64×64 U-Net model, we generate 160×160 NEU-DET images in the file (single output, each image occupies 21GB of GPU memory). Attention this [issues]! If it's an image with defect textures where the features are not clear, generating a large size directly might not have these issues, such as in NRSD or NEU datasets. However, if the image contains a background with specific distinctive features, you may need to use super-resolution or resizing to increase the size, for example, in Cifar10, CelebA-HQ, etc. If you really need large-sized images, you can directly train with large pixel images if there is enough GPU memory. Detailed images are as follows:



  1. During the data preparation stage, use to create the dataset. The amount and size of the generated dataset should be similar to the training set (Note: The training set required for evaluation should be resized to the size used during training, which is the image_size. For example, if the training set path is /your/path/datasets/landscape with an image size of 256, and the generated set path is /your/path/generate/landscape with a size of 64, use the resize method to convert the images in the training set path to 64. The new evaluation training set path will be /your/new/path/datasets/landscape).

  2. Open the or file for evaluation. is for simple evaluation; is for custom evaluation, allowing various parameter settings.

  3. If using, set generated_image_folder to /your/path/generate/landscape and dataset_image_folder to /your/new/path/datasets/landscape. Right-click to run.

  4. If using, set the necessary parameters such as path, --batch_size, --num-workers, --dims, --save_stats, and --use_gpu. If no parameters are set, the default settings will be used. There are two methods for setting parameters. One is to directly set the parser in the if __name__ == "__main__": block of the file. The other is to enter the following command in the console under the /your/path/Defect-Diffiusion-Model/tools directory:

    For evaluation only

    python /your/path/generate/landscape /your/new/path/datasets/landscape --batch_size 8 --num-workers 2 --dims 2048 --use_gpu 0

    To generate npz archives (generally not needed)

    python /your/input/path /your/output/path --save_stats

Evaluation Parameters

Parameter Name Usage Parameter Type Explanation
path Path str Input two paths: the generated set path and the training set path in evaluation mode; input path and output path in npz mode
--batch_size Training batch size int Size of each training batch
--num_workers Number of loading processes int Number of subprocesses used for data loading. It consumes a large amount of CPU and memory but can speed up training
--dims Dimensions int The dimensions of the Inception features to use
--save_stats Save stats bool Generate npz archives from the sample directory
--use_gpu Specify GPU int Generally used to set the specific GPU for training, input the GPU number

About Citation

If this project is used for experiments in an academic paper, where possible please cite our project appropriately and we appreciate this. The specific citation format can be found at this website.

  author       = {Chen Yu},
  title        = {IDDM: Integrated Design Diffusion Model},
  month        = mar,
  year         = 2024,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.10866128},
  url          = {}










IDDM (Industrial, landscape, animate...), support DDPM, DDIM, PLMS, webui and multi-GPU distributed training. Pytorch实现,生成模型,扩散模型,分布式训练








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