Using System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue with notifications
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if you are not familiar with ConcurrentQueue, Read more about it on MSDN
// Create new instance
var observableConcurrentQueue = new ObservableConcurrentQueue();
// Subscribe the Handler to the event ContentChanged
observableConcurrentQueue.ContentChanged += OnObservableConcurrentQueueContentChanged;
private static void OnObservableConcurrentQueueContentChanged(
object sender,
NotifyConcurrentQueueChangedEventArgs args)
// Item Added
if (args.Action == NotifyConcurrentQueueChangedAction.Enqueue)
Console.WriteLine("New Item added: {0}", args.ChangedItem);
// Item deleted
if (args.Action == NotifyConcurrentQueueChangedAction.Dequeue)
Console.WriteLine("New Item deleted: {0}", args.ChangedItem);
// Item peeked
if (args.Action == NotifyConcurrentQueueChangedAction.Peek)
Console.WriteLine("Item peeked: {0}", args.ChangedItem);
// Queue Empty
if (args.Action == NotifyConcurrentQueueChangedAction.Empty)
Console.WriteLine("Queue is empty");
Once the handler is defined, we can start adding, deleting or getting elements from the concurrentQueue, and after each operation an event will be raised and handled by the method above.
The EventArgs object sent by the event contains 2 properties:
- Enqueue: If a new item has been enqueued.
- Dequeue: an item has been dequeued.
- Peek: an item has been peeked.
- Empty: The last element in the queue has been dequeued and the queue is empty.
The item which the changes applied on. can be null if the notification action is NotifyConcurrentQueueChangedAction.Empty.