Pothos is the #1 plant sitting and houseplant services app. Get trusted houseplant care in your neighborhood. The Pothos app was created for plant people by plant people (but not in a scary sci fi way). Through the app, get photo updates, an easy way to message sitters or manage your business, and a secure way to book and pay.
- Getting Started as a Plant Owner
- Getting Started as a Plant Sitter
- Link to Demo
- Technologies
- Road Map
- Contributing
- License
- Sign up for an account with Pothos.
- Fill out your user profile as a plant owner (or as both a plant owner and plant sitter!)
- Browse the full list of registered plant sitters
- Tip: you can view the map to find a plant sitter closest to you!
- Select a plant sitter and send them a request.
- Now that you've been connected with your potential plant sitter, it's up to them to confirm/decline the request and it's up to the two of you to coordinate the details of the plant sitting (including payment) through your inbox!
- Sign up for an account with Pothos.
- Fill out your user profile as a plant sitter (or as both a plant owner and plant sitter!)
- Browse your list of plant sitting requests and confirm or deny requests on your dashboard.
- Coordinate the details of a plant sitting request through chat threads in your inbox. Each plant sitting request will create a new chat thread.
Visit bit.ly/pothos_demo to view a demo given by the Pothos developers.
Pothos web application and Pothos API was created with:
Core Technology | version |
Python | 3.9.1 |
Flask | 1.1.2 |
JavaScript | ECMAScript2018 |
React | 17.0.1 |
Library | version |
react-bootstrap | 1.4.3 |
bootswatch | 4.6.0 |
node-sass | 4.14.1 |
react-icons | 4.1.0 |
react-router-dom | 5.2.0 |
axios | 0.21.1 |
moment | 2.24.0 |
@react-google-maps | 2.1.1 |
@react-firebase/auth | 0.2.10 |
@stripe/react-stripe-js | 2.2.2 |
@stripe/stripe-js | 1.12.1 |
gunicorn | 20.0.4 |
Pyrebase4 | 4.4.3 |
stripe | 2.55.2 |
External API | Tool |
Firebase | Authentication Realtime Database Storage |
Google Maps | JS Maps Geocoding |
USPS | Address Verification |
Stripe | Payment |
- Payments: Complete Stripe integration for in-app payments
- Owner Dashboard: List of plant sitters to be sorted by distance to owner
- Inbox: Badge for unread messages
- Request List: Styling for pending/unconfirmed requests.
- Owner Dashboard: Pagination of list of sitters.
- Sitter Dashboard: Map of owners that have sent requests (marker color == request status)
- Authentication: OAuth integration
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This software is licensed under the GPL license.
🌱 Copyright (c) 2021 Jessica Chan and Christabel E. Sebastian