To setup the appplication
make ansible
For available commands
make tldr
make html
make rails
make vite
make node
make astro
make formik
make railsreact
make graphql
Volz is an application scaffolder that scaffolds rails/react applications, vite/react applications, and html/css/js applications. By default it will output the application in the dist directory of this repo.
However it can be run from anywhere in your file system by adding it to your .bashrc
or `.zshrcz with
make shell
This will add the following function to your shell
volz () {
local volzloc=$HOME/live/volz
make -f $volzloc/Makefile $1 -C $volzloc CURDIR=$(pwd)
And now the volz scaffolder can be ruin from anywhere insteade of into the dist directory of the repo
Volz will create a Ruby on Rails application with React using esbuild, ready for deployment via github action to a dokku host.
Volz will create a Vite application with React
Volz will create a barebones index.html, styles,css and script.js
Volz will create a hello world app with postgres
Volz will create a react application, with formik, hocs, react-router, redux, leaflet, and context api
Volz will create a rails/react application, with formik hocs, react-router, redux, leaflet, and context api
Volz will extend the rails/react application with GraphQL
Volz sets up a test workflow and release workflow with conventional changelog action included. For Rails applications a dokku workflow is also created
- Ansible
- Make