This project has been moved to
A NodeJS module for monitoring change of object properties.
npm install --save object-monitor
const Monitor = require( "object-monitor" );
let data = {
someObject: {
subProperty: "its value",
// create monitor on some data object
const monitor = Monitor( data, { recursive: true } );
// inspect monitoring context
console.log( monitor.$context.hasChanged ); // -> false
console.log( monitor.someObject.subProperty ); // -> "its value"
// add another property
monitor.someString = "another info";
// inspect monitoring context again
console.log( monitor.$context.hasChanged ); // -> true
console.log( monitor.$context.changed.has( "someString" ) ); // -> true
for ( let key of monitor.$context.changed.keys() ) {
console.log( key ); // -> someString
// replace some existing nested property
monitor.someObject.subProperty = "new value";
// original value is tracked in monitoring context
console.log( monitor.$context.changed.get( "someObject.subProperty" ) ); // -> "its value"
// revert all changes (or try committing instead)
// inspect monitoring context again
console.log( monitor.$context.hasChanged ); // -> false
// changed property has been reverted
console.log( monitor.someObject.subProperty ); // -> "its value"
In v0.0.7 support for implicit type/value coercion handlers has been added.
const Monitor = require( "object-monitor" );
let data = {
someObject: {
subProperty: "its value",
subObject: {},
// create monitor on some data object
const monitor = Monitor( data, {
recursive: true,
coercion: {
someValue: ( value, label ) => `new value of ${label} is "${value}"`,
"someObject.subProperty": ( value, label ) => `deep change of ${label} to "${value}"`,
"*.deepSub": ( value, label ) => `value of ${label} is now "${value}"`,
"*": ( value, label ) => `fallback value of ${label} is now "${value}"`
} );
monitor.someValue = "added";
monitor.someObject.subProperty = "new value";
monitor.someObject.subObject.deepSub = "added";
monitor.someObject.subObject.anotherSub = 1000;
console.log( monitor.someValue );
// new value of someValue is "added"
console.log( monitor.someObject.subProperty );
// deep change of someObject.subProperty to "new value"
console.log( monitor.someObject.subObject.deepSub );
// value of someObject.subObject.deepSub is now "added"
console.log( monitor.someObject.subObject.anotherSub );
// fallback value of someObject.subObject.anotherSub is now "1000"
By default an object monitor instance is throwing exception when trying to change a previously changed property of monitored object without saving first. Using constructor arguments it is possible to permanently prevent this detection or replace the exception with a warning message logged on stderr.
Starting with v0.0.8 a new context method is available for disabling this detection temporarily, only.
const Monitor = require( "object-monitor" );
let data = {
someObject: {
subProperty: "its value",
// create monitor on some data object
const monitor = Monitor( data, { recursive: true } );
console.log( monitor.someObject.subProperty ); // -> "its value"
// change once ...
monitor.someObject.subProperty = "new value";
console.log( monitor.someObject.subProperty ); // -> "new value"
// change again ...
monitor.someObject.subProperty = "newer value"; // THROWS!
console.log( monitor.someObject.subProperty ); // -> still "new value"
// relax
// try changing again ...
monitor.someObject.subProperty = "newer value";
console.log( monitor.someObject.subProperty ); // -> "newer value"
// stop relaxing
monitor.$context.relax( false );
// change again ...
monitor.someObject.subProperty = "newest value"; // THROWS!
console.log( monitor.someObject.subProperty ); // -> still "newer value"
Starting with v0.8.0 you can create a clone of any monitored object resulting in a deep clone of monitored data which is observed by another monitor that's starting with the same list of existing changes.
const Monitor = require( "object-monitor" );
let data = {
someObject: {
subProperty: "its value",
// create monitor on some data object
const monitor = Monitor( data, { recursive: true } );
console.log( monitor.someObject.subProperty ); // -> "its value"
// change once ...
monitor.someObject.subProperty = "new value";
console.log( monitor.someObject.subProperty ); // -> "new value"
// create a clone
const clone = monitor.$context.clone();
console.log( clone.someObject.subProperty ); // -> "new value"
console.log( clone.$context.hasChanged ); // -> true
// commit the clone
console.log( clone.someObject.subProperty ); // -> "new value"
console.log( clone.$context.hasChanged ); // -> false
console.log( monitor.someObject.subProperty ); // -> "new value"
console.log( monitor.$context.hasChanged ); // -> true
// roll back the source
console.log( clone.someObject.subProperty ); // -> "new value"
console.log( clone.$context.hasChanged ); // -> false
console.log( monitor.someObject.subProperty ); // -> "its value"
console.log( monitor.$context.hasChanged ); // -> false