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Virus Analysis Tool Kit

  1. Evaluating your raw sequencing data
  • counting sequences: fastq and fastq.gz
  • quality assurance: FASTQC and samstats
  • Determining the quality and complexity of next-generation sequencing data without a reference genome
  1. trimming and de-multiplexing: Trimmomatic, Fastx_toolkit, fastx_trimmer, cutadapt, trim_galore, condetri, flexor (
  2. genotype detection, reference selection
  1. alignment: bowtie2, bwa, tanoti
  2. post alignment stats:
  • weeSAM - python script for various coverage statistics (legacy versions in perl)
  • SamRemoveIndels - awk script to remove reads with indels from a SAM file
  • UniqSamPE - awk script to remove paired-end fragments that start and end at the exact same position
  1. post alignment analysis: haplotype window, remove primer reads, detecting chimeras
  2. consensus calling
  3. variant calling (link to ValVs)