Production version of the code that was deployed.
What's Changed
- documentation - change user to group by @AndriyNovykov in #3
- Bugfix 230224 by @arnaudfroidmont in #5
- Adds slurm and fss monitoring files. by @xksteven in #14
- Update resize_add.yml by @arnaudfroidmont in #20
- Install LLVM, gflags, glog, tmux, and zsh. by @xksteven in #17
- Installs Go, GCC v12 and more packages for v10 by @xksteven in #26
- Update git to version 2.39.1 by @xksteven in #27
- Bugfix enroot by @arnaudfroidmont in #30
- Move Ksplice out of cron.d by @xksteven in #37
Full Changelog: https://github.com/centerforaisafety/cerberus-cluster/commits/