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Example › Film protocol

telish edited this page Jan 23, 2019 · 9 revisions

The following image shows the original film protocol for the shortfilm "Father and Daughter" in the PDF-format. The contents are not machine-readable and have to be converted to FEI. Additionally, heart rate measurements for the film are added to the FEI body.

film protocol

View the source code here

Basic structure

The basic structure of the document contains the fei-tag as well as its two children fhead and fbody.

    "fhead": ...
    "fbody": ...

fhead - Metadata

The fhead element contains all metadata for the film such as the used version, production info and a crew list.

"fhead": {
    "titlestmt": ...
    "editionstmt": ...
    "prodstmt": ...
    "genrestmt": ...
    "crewlist": ...

titlestmt - Title statement

The titlestmt element provides info about the movie title. It is the parent of one or more title elements that can provide the title and subtitles in multiple languages.

"titlestmt": [
    "Father and Daughter"

editionstmt - Edition statement

The editionstmt element is the container element for version information about the film. It contains one or more edition elements that each provide data like release date or duration as well as the possibility to link a source file.

"editionstmt": [
    "date": "April 2001",
    "duration": "00:09:22",
    "source": "Father and Daughter HD.mp4",
    "id": "current"
    "date": "2004",
    "desc": "theatrical",
    "id": "04jpth"

prodstmt - Production statement

The prodstmt element provides info about the production of the film. This ranges from companies to individuals. The two child-elements production and distributor can be extended with the more generic proditem element that also provides a role description.

"prodstmt": {
  "production": {
    "corpname": [
      "CinéTé Filmproductie BV",
      "Cloudrunner Ltd."
    "persname": [
      "Claire Jennings",
      "Willem Thijssen"
  "distributor": {
    "corpname": "Crest International",
    "editionreference": "04jpth"
  "prodtask": [
      "proddesc": "technical direction",
      "corpname": "Spider Eye Ltd."
      "proddesc": "sound mixing",
      "corpname": "Studio SPR"

genrestmt - Genre statement

The genrestmt (Genre statement) is the container for one or more genreitem elements that each provide a genre from the list of available genres.

"genrestmt": [

crewlist - Crew list

The crewlist (Crew list) links different crew members and their roles to the film. There are one or more crewitem child elements that describe the role and individual.

"crewlist": [
    "role": [
      "animation and backgrounds"
    "persname": "Michael Dudok de Wit"
    "role": [
      "additional animation"
    "persname": "Arjan Wilschut"
    "role": [
      "special thanks"
    "persname": "Anthony Smith"

fbody - The data

The data of an FEI-file is stored in the document body, the fbody element. There are several ways data can be stored. At the moment, the fbody covers quantitative data and film protocols with the division in sequence, scene and shot.

The fbody content for this filmprotocol covers both a film protocol and quantitative data (heart rate measurements):

"fbody": {
  "sequentialstmt": ...
  "measurementstmt": ...


The measurementstmt (measurement statement) contains one or more measurementitem elements that represent a sequence of measurements. A description of the dataset via a quantdesc element is also possible.

"measurementstmt": [
    "description": "Erhöhung der Herzfrequenz",
    "id": "measure_up",
    "data": [
        "timecode": "00:00:00",
        "value": "12"
        "timecode": "00:00:01",
        "value": "9"

Film structure

The film can be hierarchically structured into smaller sections, which are organized sequentially in time. In FEI, this structure is represented in sequentialstmts". sequentialstmt` contain a sequence of the following elements:

  • shot
  • multishot
  • scene
  • sequence
  • act
  • other

These child elements can contain another sequentialstmts with elements that are more fine-grained. E.g., multiple shots can be contained inside a sequence, and multiple sequences inside an act. For more information about the film structure layers, please visit the documentation.

shot, multishot, scene, sequence, act, other

These elements have the following structure:

  "summary": "Sonniger Tag: Vater und Tochter radeln auf Weg durch Landschaft richtung Kamera",
  "timecodestart": "00:00:17",
  "structure": "shot",
  "annotations": [ ... ]
"annotations": [
    "type": "reference_frame",
    "source": "img_log/006.jpg"
    "type": "text",
    "about": "",
    "text": "Leitmotiv Refrain"