1 Files included?
tinysql-dbms/ includes all the source code for the database management system (also including the storage manager library) src/Common.h all the imclude headers and some global enum src/ConditionParser.h interface and implementations of the condition parser and evaluator (revese polish algorithm) src/DatabaseManager.h interface and implementations of the database management system (including create/drop table, insert/delete tuples select statement: table scan, sorting, duplication removal, multi-table cross/natural/theta join) src/main.h main function of the whole program, including a command interface and a file interpreter interface src/Parser.h interface and implementations of tokenizer and parser tree. src/StorageManager/ Storage manager source code
test.txt test script provide by class
report.pdf is the final report for the project.
2 How to build and run the program?
Run i) run directly ./tinysql-dbms in shell and input query manually (q or quit to exit).
ii) use a file script using ./tinysql-dbms script.txt
Any questions, please contact [email protected], [email protected]
Mian Qin, Songyuan Tang