Hello! Welcome to Caroline Ehler's documentation/tutorial I've compiled for the Software Everywhere project! This tutorial is specific to Turbonomic.
Should there be any issues with this tutorial, please contact [email protected]. Thanks!
To begin, you'll need to be sure to have all of these things installed on your machine: Docker & Node.js
If you don't, follow these steps:
A. Download Homebrew: https://sourabhbajaj.com/mac-setup/Homebrew/ Follow the Homebrew setup tutorial.
B. Download Homebrew's Node.js: https://sourabhbajaj.com/mac-setup/Node.js/
C. Download Homebrew's Docker: https://sourabhbajaj.com/mac-setup/Docker/
From the Homebrew tutorial:
Docker for Mac can be downloaded here: https://docs.docker.com/desktop/mac/install/
brew install cask
brew install --cask docker
- Create a cluster on Red Hat Openshift using IBM Cloud. https://cloud.ibm.com/
- Clone the iascable repo here: https://github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/iascable
git clone https://github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/iascable.git
- Inside the iascable directory, install node.js
npm install
- Create a Bill of Materials (BOM) called
in iascalbe.
apiVersion: cloud.ibm.com/v1alpha1
kind: BillOfMaterial
name: multicloud-cluster
- name: ocp-login
- name: olm
- name: gitops-namespace
- name: argocd-bootstrap
- name: gitops-console-link-job
- name: gitops-cluster-config
alias: config
- name: banner_text
important: true
- Run the BOM to generate the terraform file:
./iascable build -i <location_of_gitopsbootstrap-bom.yaml_file> -o <location_for_output>
./iascable build -i gitopsbootstrap-bom.yaml -o ./myFolder
Accessing the generated folder from the above command, cd into myFolder --> multicloud-cluster --> terraform
Edit the file
. Uncomment the last line of each section to add your modifications.
7A. Banner Text: The title of the top banner in the cluster
config_banner_text="Turbonomics Tutorial"
7B. Namespace Name = The value that should be used for the namespace
7C. Server URL: The url for the OpenShift api
To access this, go to the OpenShift console from your cluster.
Click the dropdown from your username.
Click "Copy login command".
Hit display token.
Use the URL that follows --server=
from the Login with this Token oc login
7D. Cluster Login Token:
Following the same steps as above for the Server URL, go to the same page with your OpenShift token login.
Use the API token as the Cluster Login Token. NOTE: The Cluster Login Token will time-out after about an hour. You will have to modify the terraform file again if you cannot get to step 9 within an hour of generating this Login Token.
7E. Gitops-repo_host: The host for the git repository. (Use github.com)
7F. Gitops-repo_type: The type of the hosted git repository (github or gitlab).
7G. Gitops-repo_org: The org/group where the git repository exists/will be provisioned. (Your Github username)
7H. Gitops-repo_repo: The short name of the repository (i.e. the part after the org/group name) (The name for the repo the terraform will generate. Be sure the name you choose is not one of your existing repositories already).
7I. Fitops-repo_username: The username of the user with access to the repository (your github username)
7J. Gitops-repo_token: The personal access token used to access the repository
gitops-repo_token="...[your generated token]..."
To access your Github-generated token, go to Github.com.
Login and select your profile menu.
Go to Settings --> Developer Settings (bottom of left-side menu list) --> Personal Access Tokens (again, bottom of left-side menu)
Select the permissions for the token to be at least the bolded repo and delete_repo boxes.
Hit Generate Token. MAKE NOTE OF THIS TOKEN. Hit the copy button and store it somewhere for future reference.
- Open up Docker to run. In the terraform directory, run the following commands.
Set the environment variable GITTOKEN to your generated Github token.
export GITTOKEN="3792a189....."
docker run -it -e TF_VAR_gitops-repo_token=$GITTOKEN -v ${PWD}:/terraform -w /terraform quay.io/ibmgaragecloud/cli-tools:v0.15
Terraform will begin running. Now run:
$ terraform init
This will take a minute to run.
$ terraform apply -auto-approve
This will take 10-15 minutes to compelte if this is your first-time running this setup.
- Check to see if everything downloaded correctly and you can access Turbonomic.
10A. In the OpenShift Console, go to Networking --> Routes
10B. Verify thtat you are in the proper namespace you established earlier.
10C. Visit the location link to go to Turbonomic.
10D. You should be taken to the Turbonomic login page! If you made it here, congrats! You are finished with the tutorial. Go ahead and login, provide your license, and get started!
Tutorial Complete. If you have any concerns, questions, or feedback, please email [email protected]. Thanks!