This library allows you to interface your Arduino (Or compatible board) with a SeeedStudio Electronic Brick 125kHz RFID Reader. It might possibly work with other RFID Readers as well, if they use either an UART or Wiegand mode to transmit the Card ID information. The library will not work with RFID readers based on I2C or SPI. The library is released under the MIT license allowing all sorts of reuse.
Depending on ahardware switch, your RFID reader will either operate in UART mode or Wiegand mode. Depending on your selection, the library has to be initialized differently.
For UART Mode, you use
For Wiegand Mode, you use
Both modes are explained in more detail below. Besides the difference in initialization, the library handles all the details transparently for you. Whenever a complete ID is available, the method RFID.isIdAvailable()
will return true
, upon which you can get the tag via a call to RFID.readId()
. The value returned is in fact a simple struct with different member properties:
* Struct for storing an RFID tag
struct RFIDTag {
int mfr; // Manufacturer (?) Code (2 bytes), only useful in UART Mode
long id; // Tag ID (3 bytes)
byte chk; // Checksum (1 byte), only useful in UART Mode
boolean valid; // Validity of the Tag, based on the Checksum (UART Mode) or the parity bits (Wiegand Mode)
char raw[13]; // The whole tag as a raw string, only useful in UART Mode
UART Mode uses the SoftwareSerial library to interface the Reader with the Arduino. By initializing an instance of the Class SeedRFIDLib
with an RX and TX Pin (Typically, Pin 2 & 3 on the Arduino are a good choice), you can interface to the Board in UART Mode.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <SeeedRFIDLib.h>
// Connect the Reader's RX to the RX Pin and vice versa for TX
#define RFID_RX_PIN 2
#define RFID_TX_PIN 3
// Configure the Library in UART Mode
RFIDTag tag;
void setup() {
Serial.println("Serial Ready");
void loop() {
if(RFID.isIdAvailable()) {
tag = RFID.readId();
Serial.print("ID: ");
Serial.print("ID (HEX): ");
The Wiegand interface standard was widely used in card swipe readers in the 1980s. It's basically a very special procotol to transmit data bitwise.
#include <SeeedRFIDLib.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
// SoftwareSerial must be included because the library depends on it
// If you use the Library in Wiegand Mode, then the compiler
// will optimize the SoftwareSerial away
// Configure the Library in Wiegand Mode
// DATA0 of the RFID Reader must be connected
// to Pin 2 of the Arduino (INT0)
// DATA1 of the RFID Reader must be connected
// To Pin 3 of the Arduino (INT1)
RFIDTag tag;
void setup() {
void loop() {
if(RFID.isIdAvailable()) {
tag = RFID.readId();
// In Wiegand Mode, we only get the card code
Serial.print("CC = ");
The following limitations apply to the RFIDLib, mainly because of the limitations of the underlying Hardware:
- No "Facility" code in Wiegand mode: In Wiegand mode, only the 3 bytes of the card's ID (often printed on the tag) are available from the reader.
- No writing: The SeedStudio RFID Reader does not have the capability to write to RFID tags so no write methods were added to the Library
Besides the fact that there are two different interface methods, you might yourself ask: Why choose UART over Wiegand or vice versa. Here's a few points that illustrate the differences.
Wiegand Mode uses interrupts to "read" the data in. That means that it should be possible to put your Arduino to sleep and to wait until an interrupt wakes it up. UART, on the other hand, uses Software Serial, which is quite a resource intensive beast. Wiegand mode has a smaller code footprint than UART as well, so resource and power wise, Wiegand might be the better choice.
UART mode will return the complete RFID's ID value, including the manufacturer/facility code. Wiegand is limited to 24bit (3 bytes) and will thus only return the card's ID value. Depending on your needs, having access to the whole ID might be necessary.
Wiegand mode is limited to pins that can generate an interrupt on falling/rising signals. On an Arduino UNO, the only option are thus PIN 2 and PIN 3 (Interrupts INT0 and INT1, respectively). UART mode, on the other hand, can use any two digital pins that are available and leave thus more freedom in implementing complex or fancy Arduino setups, possibly adding other sensors and tools to the mix as well.
I've spent more time playing with the UART code than with the Wiegand variant. From that standpoint, UART might be the safer, easier and better to understand mode for the Library. After all, it's also the flexibler mode in terms of the pins you can use to connect the RFID Reader. However, if you know what you do, need or want the interrupt driven approach (or if you can afford theoretical bugginess), then feel free to choose Wiegand.
Part of the code inspired by SeedStudio's Wiki page of the product, parts from code by PageMac.