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OptOutput.jl is a Julia package designed to process and organize optimization results, particularly for large-scale linear programming models. It focuses on parsing MPS files and solver outputs, transforming optimization variables and constraints into a structured format. This tool is especially useful for handling results from solvers like cuPDLP.


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OptOutput.jl is a Julia package designed to process and organize optimization results, particularly for large-scale linear programming models. It focuses on parsing MPS files and solver outputs, transforming optimization variables and constraints into a structured format. This tool is especially useful for handling results from solvers like cuPDLP.jl that may not have direct JuMP integration.

Key Functions

  • Parse MPS format strings to extract variable and constraint information
  • Process primal and dual solutions from optimization solvers
  • Organize results into DataFrames, separating multi-dimensional variables and constraints
  • Generate named sets and dimensions for improved data organization
  • Save results to CSV files for further analysis

Explanation through Examples

Let's consider a simple energy system model with generators (GEN) and capacity (CAP) variables. In the MPS format, these might be represented as:

GEN[A1,B1]    obj
GEN[A1,B2]    obj
GEN[A2,B1]    obj
GEN[A2,B2]    obj
CAP[B1]       obj
CAP[B2]       obj

After processing with OptOutput.jl, the package would:

  1. Recognize the dimensions:

    • dim1 (A1, A2) for GEN
    • dim2 (B1, B2) for both GEN and CAP
  2. Create structured DataFrames:

For GEN:

julia> dataframes["GEN"]
4×3 DataFrame
 Row │ dim1  dim2  value 
     │ Any   Any   Float64
   1 │ A1    B1        0.0
   2 │ A1    B2        0.0
   3 │ A2    B1        0.0
   4 │ A2    B2        0.0

For CAP:

julia> dataframes["CAP"]
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ dim2  value 
     │ Any   Float64
   1 │ B1        0.0
   2 │ B2        0.0

This structure allows for easy manipulation and analysis of the optimization results. For instance, you could easily filter or aggregate results:

# Filter GEN results for dim1 == "A1"
gen_a1 = dataframes["GEN"][dataframes["GEN"].dim1 .== "A1", :]

# Sum CAP values
total_cap = sum(dataframes["CAP"].value)

OptOutput.jl simplifies working with these results, especially for large-scale models with many variables and constraints spanning multiple dimensions.

Quick Installation

You can install OptOutput.jl using the following command:

using Pkg

In the future we expect to using Julia's package manager. It would be so:

using Pkg


Here's an example of how to use OptOutput.jl with an external solver:

using JuMP
using OptOutput
using YourExternalSolver  # Replace with your actual solver package

# Create and solve your JuMP model
model = create_your_model()

# Write the model to an MPS file
write_to_file(model, "model.mps")

# Get primal and dual solutions from your solver
primal_solution = value.(all_variables(model))
dual_solution = dual.(all_constraints(model, include_variable_in_set_constraints=false))

# Process the optimization results
dataframes, all_results, qps_model = process_optimization_results("model.mps", primal_solution, dual_solution)

# Optionally save results to CSV files
save_results_to_csv(dataframes, "output_directory")

# Work with the resulting DataFrames
for (case, df) in dataframes
    println("Case: $case")

There is a complete example of how to use OptOutput.jl with cuPDLP.jl here

Advanced Usage

Custom Dimension Naming

You can provide custom names for dimensions:

custom_named_sets = Dict(
    "countries" => ["BE", "DE"],
    "timesteps" => ["t0883", "t2013", "t2264", "t6467", "t6469"],
    "ev_types" => ["ev015", "ev016", "ev017"],
    "technologies" => ["Offshore_Wind", "Run-of-River"]

named_sets, prefix_dim_names = create_named_sets_and_dimensions(all_results, custom_named_sets)

Filtering Results

You can filter results by specifying symbols of interest:

symbols_of_interest = ["EV_CHARGE", "G", "H2_N_ELY"]
dataframes, all_results, qps_model = process_optimization_results("model.mps", primal_solution, dual_solution, symbols_of_interest)

API Reference

  • process_optimization_results(mps_path, primal_solution, dual_solution, symbols=String[]): Main function to process optimization results
  • create_named_sets_and_dimensions(input_dict, named_sets=nothing, symbols=String[]): Create named sets and dimensions from input data
  • structure_optimization_results(input_dict, named_sets, variable_dimensions): Structure optimization results into a more accessible format
  • create_result_dataframes(structured_results, index_to_dim, variable_dimensions, cases=String[]): Create DataFrames from structured results
  • save_results_to_csv(dataframes, output_dir="output"): Save DataFrames to CSV files
  • combine_primal_dual_solutions(mps_string, primal_solution, dual_solution): Combine primal and dual solutions with variable and equation names
  • read_solution_from_file(solution_file_path): Read a solution from a file


Contributions to OptOutput.jl are welcome! Please feel free to submit issues, pull requests, or suggestions to improve the package.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


OptOutput.jl is a Julia package designed to process and organize optimization results, particularly for large-scale linear programming models. It focuses on parsing MPS files and solver outputs, transforming optimization variables and constraints into a structured format. This tool is especially useful for handling results from solvers like cuPDLP.







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