Prestashop module which automaticaly add customer in groups depending params after registration. The rules can be combined, and can be sorted by priority.
For example you can use it for the folowing cases :
- all user from a specifiq country / city / or even street get to a particular group
- all men in a specifiq group ...
You can imagine all the possibilites with all customer's and customer's address attributes. Once the module is intalled, a new link "Customer Auto Groups" appears in customer menu in the administration. There you can see and manage your rules.
Module Prestashop qui permets d'ajouter automatiquement les clients dans un groupe spécifique, en fonction de ses paramètres. Ce module est compatible à partir de Prestashop 1.5 ( depuis la version 0.1.1 ) Vous pouvez consulter l'article sur mon blog: